“Manadeprived.com is proud to present Top 8 Magic podcast with Michael J. Flores and Brian David-Marshall
“Brought to your ears by FaceToFaceGames.com.”
The four hundred twenty-first episode of Top 8 Magic, “New Year’s Resolutions: Oath of the Gatewatch 1” is a mixed bag. MichaelJ and BDM return after a too-long spell to chat about some of their actual New Year’s Resolutions… But more importantly what cards might resolve (in what formats) in the upcoming Oath of the Gatewatch.
Our heroes focus on the white cards this time (because they spend the first fourteen minutes or so just catching up after a long layover)… But it really gets going when Mike chooses his favorite [off-color] card in Oath of the Gatewach so far: Eldrazi Obligator
Eldrazi Obligator looks awesome, right?
Here is a card that at three mana can do a pretty good Boggart Ram-Gang impression…

… But at five mana can do a pretty good Zealous Conscripts impression!

No, Eldrazi Obligator isn’t quite the three drop that Boggart Ram-Gang was (two fewer toughness, no wither mechanic)… But the fact that it has a second mode is awesome.
At five mana Eldrazi Obligator is slightly less powerful than Zealous Conscripts (can’t steal an Ultimate Planeswalker, for example)… But that extra flexibility really does come in handy here. Not only do you have two modes to choose from, but the additional 1<> sets up an Eldrazi trigger, not Not NOT an “enters the battlefield” trigger. That means that even if an opponent can discard a correctly-costed spell to his Kozilek, the Great Distortion you will still get the trigger to steal his 12/12 (and presumably kill him with it).
There is over an hour-twenty Magic chatter, old and brand new, as well as a tidy bit of love for Star Wars Episode VIII: The Force Awakens near the end.
Top 8 Magic resolves to be back in 2016!
Listen to “New Year’s Resolutions: Oath of the Gatewatch 1” right here:
“New Year’s Resolutions: Oath of the Gatewatch 1” on ManaDeprived