Posted by Katherine Recap | "Reality" Competition, Hollywood, TV

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Paul, Bronte
Roadkill Comp Winner – Victor
RK Nominated – Tiffany
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea
Battle Back challenge – Glenn vs. Jozea

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte

This summer’s skywriting incident happened July 3rd when a plane wrote in the bright blue sky, “Will You Marry Me?” right above the Big Brother backyard, so the houseguests could see it. Of course, it’s not necessarily a message to them but we find it fun to see their minds whirling; wondering if it could possibly have been meant for them somehow. A secret code between Vanessa and her sister? Who knows? The world may never know and they can’t possibly… but their grey matter will circulate scenarios about it anyway. BB does that to a bro.

On the Sunday night, July 3rd Big Brother TV show, it’s a hilarious HOH challenge because Paul’s goin’ nuts watching Zak and Day tiptoe trepidatious across logs while the other teams leap and zip across the yard like their lives depend on it. We find out that Paulie got HOH because his team, Category4, allowed him place the last berry – a ginormous blueberry – knowing this particular deed guaranteed HOH status.


Our beloved “Lothario” never cries

Then we see Victor weeping in his diary session. A sweet sensitive soul for the moment, he says Jozea was a good guy and they were going to the end together. Bronte also seems overwhelmed with emotional betrayal and regrets. Their alliance realizes Day and Zak aren’t on their side after all which means they definitely don’t have the numbers needed to win this game.

As we know, Paulie nominates Paul and Bronte for eviction. Because Paul knows the true target is Victor, he says “The better beard’s gonna win,” in the DR after nominations are announced. Bronte, on the other hand, says she’ll never trust a boy in the Big Brother house again. Her newfound strategy is to “go under the radar” and keep herself hushed and sweet. We hope that serves her better because snarking at Paulie to his face certainly backfired hardcore and Fetchland loves nothing more than personal growth to improve gameplay. In his diary room, Victor seems surprised to not be up on the block but then turns out he DOES know what a backdoor is when he talks to Paul about it later in a knowing manner. So, all that appearing comfy and cool around the house was just an act! The feedsters assumed Victor was just clueless but perhaps it all really was just ACTING.


Tiffany Under Roadkill Pressure

Next we have the Roadkill challenge and it’s a monetary competition involving counting dollahs, so hollah… especially for stressed out math teachers losing their shit under pressure. As soon as the competition ends, Victor tells Paulie right away that he won, thus outing himself to the entire house and ensuring his exit even more. Vic thinks it”s going to earn their trust, not realizing they don’t care if they can trust him. He’s not in their alliance – end of story. So, then he tells Frank too. Unfortunately, Victor tells these guys before Paul can advise him (rightly) not to do so. It’s too late when he finally talks to Paul, Victor already blew his wad. Then he tells Paul he wants to put James up as the Roadkill nominee and Paul says this too is a horrendous idea. Afterward, with Paul’s words ringing in his ears, Victor asks Frank and Paulie if they’re playing him. He says he’s thinking of putting up Tiffany rather than James to them. Next we see the Roadkill nomination reveal and, as we already know, it’s Tiffany, just as Victor hinted to them.

Favorite feeds talk for July 3rd:

Nicole: I don’t think I like you guys calling me a troll.
Corey: A cute troll… though.


Da’vonne dishes le dirt

Later Corey and Nicole strategize in the backyard, in other words, Corey talks about getting Tiff out and Nicole just says he’s gotta stop playing emotionally. Then only a bit later (around 9:30PM Big Brother time) Da’vonne talks about how she thinks Tiffany has a solid primary alliance with Paulie and they should think about getting her out… So, Tiff’s on a lot of tongues lately. Big surprise. But a critical point also comes out in this convo between Mama Day, Michelle, and Nicole. Tiffany would be great to keep around mainly because she’ll be happy to nominate Frank and take care of that dirty work for them. This is reinforced soon after when Tiff joins them and Da’vonne talks to her about how “we need to get rid of Frank” just to see the light go on in Tiff’s otherwise empty eyes. It’s fun to wtach Da’vonne conspiring and inquiring. We love that Mama Day action. Either way, the BB house plan for now is to take somebody (likely Tiff or Paul) off the block and put Victor up in the Veto ceremony tomorrow – July 4th. We’ll be posting about it pronto to keep you informed up-to-the-moment.

Happy Independence Day! Check out our Ruining BB18 tweets @RuiningBB18.

Katherine Recap


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