There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – James
HOH Nominated – Frank and Bridgette
Veto Winner – Michelle
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany
Battle Back Winner – Victor
Have-Nots – TBD – none yet


Ice Cream Wars Ensue

July 23rd is a surprisingly slow news day in the Big Brother house, although they do play a splendorific Veto competition at around 9PM involving a water slide. It keeps the live feeds down for a record of only two hours, which makes the fans uber happy. We’re used to much more time passing! In the aftermath, James feels bummed to get out in the first round of the Veto comp but luckily he has the sweetest most lovely showmance goin with Natalie and she comforts him over a pint of Baskin Robbins. It’s the best ice cream ad we’ve ever seen… until she starts reading the ingredient list out loud, “guar gum… what’s that?” and then James offers her Haagen Daz and the sugar wars officially begin. Subplot alert. It looks like Baskin Robbins will lose until the house nutritionist, Michelle, weighs in with her expert opinion to declare Baskin Robbins healthier.


Michelle won the Veto, baby!

Speaking of Michelle, she wins the Veto! This potentially sounds the death knell for either Frank or Bridgette because it’s highly unlikely Michelle will use that Veto on either of them. Ever since the early days of BB18, when Michelle heard that Bridgette talked about being “willing to revive” a passed out Michelle but that she would “shave her eyebrows off first,” there’s been a bad vibe between them. At first, on July 23rd, Frank seems a tad resigned, though that could just be an act. The guy’s got lots of those; he’s the son of famous wrestler Sid Vicious, after all. And then merely hours later, Frank’s plotting like a professional.


Victor tells them Frank’s plan

Whenever Frank and Bridgette come into a room faces fall and talk turns to non-game topics like injuries and Icy/Hot. At one point Victor reports to the “group” that Frank plans to get Michelle to use the Veto so he can backdoor Mama Day. Da’vonne says she still doesn’t know what Frank’s holding against her and the others say, “Tiffany stuff” which is actually pretty accurate. The convo turns to all the stuffed animals of the house and how there’s only one girly stuffed animal, Mama Day’s KD2, a pink stuffed bear. Then Paulie says he doesn’t remember ever seeing a pink stuffed bear and Day says, “That’s right ’cause I keep her tucked… and away from ya’ll,” gotta love Day. Then they note that Victor now wears the bunny hat Tiff used to and he says he thinks of it like his scalp. Victor explains that the Native Americans used to scalp their enemies and then carry it around as a token of their victory and this hat symbolizes his VICTORy over Tiffany.


Portrait of a Post-Veto pathetic pair

At another point in the night Paul points out that because Bridgette openly can’t stand anyone other than Frank in the house, it’s actually more torturous for Bridgette to keep her in the house until next week. That’s because she’ll be in the jury house and forced to hang out with all of them for the rest of the summer. Meanwhile, another factor that’s been talked about previously, but not on July 23rd, is that Frank’s well known for perpetrating a nefarious influence in the jury house. He can really poison a well. So, getting Frank out this week, before the jury sequester begins, is truly their best bet and the most likely scenario for Thursday night.


Frank works Michelle HARD at 4AM

We’ll have to wait and see, though and it’ll be mighty entertaining watching the feeds until then. Frank’s a fighter and he’s not going to give up anytime soon. In fact, he talked Michelle’s ear off at around four in the morning telling her wanted to flip the house to please the fans. Yeah, Frank, it’s all about the fans. Not only does Michelle not believe you, we don’t either and flattery always works with us. Seriously. We love the dramedy you bring to the house, Frank but keep us out of your notorious plots!

Stay tuned for further dramedy all week long. Frank’s relentless finagling will certainly be fun to watch and we’ll be here to report on it for you daily. Also, check out our tweets at @RuiningBB18.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – James
HOH Nominated – Frank and Bridgette
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte, and Tiffany
Battle Back Winner – Victor
Have-Nots – TBD


Jozea beats Glenn for the first battle

July 22nd brings the Battle Back competition special episode of Big Brother. One of the evicted houseguests will win this competition to earn their place back in the house for the summer. Trick is that they compete in the order they were evicted from the house. That means the first to leave, Glenn, would have to beat each and every other evicted houseguest to win his place back in the Big Brother house, whereas Tiffany only has to battle once. In the first battle Glenn competes against Jozea in a challenge similar to the HOH Berry competition. Jozea and Glenn run across logs and fill berry bins to fight their way to the first win of the Battle Back competition. Jozea used a special poison berry that emptied Glenn’s bin of berries to win this first battle with ease.


Victor beats Jozea

Then Victor and Jozea compete in the tennis-type competition that Bridgette won for HOH. It’s mostly random and largely determined by where the ball bounces. This is because the giant pseudo tennis racquets they use to bounce the balls toward the targets are hard to aim precisely. But eventually Jozea and Victor develop enough skill at the bouncing to start accurately hitting the targets. They also need to retrieve their own balls for re-use and Jozea complains saying, “Where is my ball boy?”. Unlike Jozea, we know that Victor has been working out constantly while in sequester and thus Victor wins.


Victor and Bronte battle

Next Victor battles Bronte and right before their challenge she tells him, “There’s not a single person in that house who likes you, buddy,” to try to psych him out. Victor did get a bit of a sad face at hearing this but said nothing. The competition was a revised version of the vacation pictures HOH challenge with matching photos to facts based on pretend vacation pics of the houseguests. Victor’s strategy is much smarter than Bronte’s and he easily beats her as she seems to just put random photos with facts and hit the buzzer. She congratulates him on his win and also advises him, “Don’t trust anybody,” while hugging him, and her summer of Big Brother, goodbye.


Victor and Tiffany battle

At last, the mighty Victor battles Tiffany in a puzzle picture competition like nothing we’ve seen thus far in the Big Brother competitions. They’re rappelling off giant posters and piecing the puzzles that compose each poster together in what feels like a nightclub atmosphere. At first they both have a whole section of the puzzle wrong but then Victor seems to resolve his more quickly than Tiffany can. Thus, the eye of the tiger, Victor wins the final Battle Back competition and will return to the house on this very night. It was clear from the pre-show interviews of last night’s live show that Victor wanted it the most, so we’re not surprised and can’t wait to see the houseguests’ faces.


Victor returns to the Big Brother house

Julie the gathers the houseguests to tell them it’s time for another twist – the Battle Back competition. She tells them the winner will be moving back in “shortly” and James says, “This is gonna be awkward,” which is one thing all the houseguests can agree on. Then Victor re-enters the house amid shrieks and hugs from everyone. We’re happy to report that James lost none of his Natalie mojo on July 22nd, despite his romantic nemesis re-entering the picture. He won HOH and thus literally became the alpha male of the house. Meanwhile Victor got right into ingratiating himself with the houseguests and making himself comfortable. He’s extra comfy because James nominated Frank and Bridgette and left him off the block completely. He can sleep well for at least one night this week.

Secret-RoomThe show ends with Julie telling us about a new twist, The Secret Room. Clues are located around the house in hidden-but-findable ways to help a particularly paranoid or observant houseguest unlock The Secret Room. Those clues will remain in the house for the next four weeks. Inside The Secret Room lies a power the houseguest who finds it will acquire and thus change the game. We know that Mama Day figured out the twins twist last season all by herself and thus predict that if anyone figures out this twist, it will likely be Da’vonne.

Check back with daily for more Big Brother feed insights and observations. You can also find us on twitter at @RuiningBB18.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH Nominated – TBD
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte, and Tiffany
Have-Nots – TBD

July 22nd, Friday, CBS will air a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother at 8PM EST.


Mama Day’s reaction to Paulie’s hair

The feeds are a flurry on the morning of July 21st. The houseguests talk about switching the vote but always came back to the conclusion of getting Tiffany out this week. So, the majority of Big Brother morning action revolves around primping for the live show. The biggest spectacle by far, a horrendous haircut Paul gives Paulie. The facial contortions from the houseguests as they watch are priceless, especially from Mama Day. Even Paulie’s face looks a tad horrified at times, although the cut’s completely under his direction and he encourages every move with those clippers the entire time. When the deed’s done and his head fully transformed to a clipped debacle, Paulie is summoned into the Diary Room and when he returns tells them the producers asked, “what the hell did you do to your hair?” and we imagine that’s what America will be asking as they watch the TV show.


You can tell by Tiff’s face that she knew

The July 21st TV show is loads of fun with visits from Tiffany and Paulie’s former houseguest siblings, Vanessa and Cody, a predictable twist, and then a cliffhanger for the houseguests who are left hanging without even a hint as to their expected HOH competition. In fact, they’d spent the morning donning active wear in anticipation of a taxing physical competition because their backyard has been locked for days while they can hear construction going on back there. As we expected, all the back and forth about possibly keeping Tiffany and evicting Mama Day came to nothing and the vote was the first unanimous of the season, evicting Tiff.


Day’s mocking farewell to Tiffany

Her calm and gorgeous face tells us they must have forewarned Tiffany of her imminent departure. She even handled Da’vonne’s funny, mocking farewell message, “I beat you! I beat you!” with a carefree laugh. Seeing her keep her composure and such sublime perspective was wonderfully refreshing and makes us hope she’s the Battle Back winner of Friday night’s special episode. We also know she’d for certain be all about getting rid of the showmances, which would make for some spectacular dramatics and feeds worthy of all night binge-watching.


Paulie’s the best player… except

Paulie’s brother, Cody from season 16 pays a short visit to the show just to say he thinks his bro is playing an awesome game, other than his showmance with Zak. So, is he playing a great game or not? Seems like Cody’s answer is yes AND no. We actually kinda agree with that conclusion. He’s playing hardcore on the one hand and winning while keeping his social game on par. But his showmance with Zakiyah remains the weakest romantic link in the house (weaker even, it seems, than the asexual Frank and Bridgette) and it’s garnering A LOT of negative attention. So, it really feels like a losing proposition for Paulie, although we do love Zakiyah. Best case scenario would be if Paulie got evicted and Zakiyah teamed up hardcore with Mama Day and James. That trio could go all the way.


Vanessa offers her insight on BB18

Vanessa, on the other hand, offers some interesting insight. We disagree about the double standard she talked about as far as Paulie being allowed to play his own game but Tiffany not so much. It’s more social than that, we think. Tiffany was a glumtacular black cloud for weeks, in bed eating cookies rather than making friends. THAT’s why it’s easier for them to evict her than it should be given all her campaigning. If they felt close to her or even liked having her around, it would be harder to give her the boot. Paulie, on the other hand, has an excellent social game. Showmance or not, people like hanging with him. Vanessa does offer one bit of excellent insight, though. She suggests that when it comes to Big Brother, it doesn’t matter if you can trust others, it matters that their incentives are aligned with yours. This idea really would help any houseguest play a better game in the house, hard as it might be to implement. In fact, this very idea almost helped Tiff stay in the house this week… too bad it was too late for her by the time she aligned with Frank. Houseguests obsessively talk about being able to “trust” each other and taking that element out of the equation would definitely help their game.


Victor lifting weights – eyes on the prize

Next on the show, we see the evicted houseguests and their interviews about the upcoming Battle Back competition. Glenn got a “loser” edit, blaming his team for why he’s out of the house and then the video showing his individual losses. The “winner’s circle” edit award definitely goes to Victor because he’s literally working out constantly preparing to fight his way back with an eye on the prize – getting revenge on Paulie. Jozea talks about chillin’ on the beach and wanting to get back into the house because he needs new designer shoes. While Bronte basically just said she’s been tanning poolside. So, we predict a showdown between Victor and Tiffany for the Battle Back victory. They seem to want it the most. Either one would make for mighty fun feeds, so we’re excited for Friday’s show and the fallout thereafter. Go Tiff! Go Vic!


Notified of teams and Roadkill termination

After Tiffany leaves the house and does her quick Chenbot interview, Julie notifies the houseguests that the teams are all over now (Yay!) as is the Roadkill challenge. It’s a whole new game from now forward! They pretend to be surprised but the truth is the houseguests predicted this awhile back and are just all relieved to be playing for themselves now. This alone will dramatically alter the way they play the next HOH competition, never mind that a former houseguest is also coming back for it. Julie then tells them another twist is coming along with some “secrets” revealed. So, they don’t yet know about the Battle Back challenge. As the show ends the producers give us a glimpse into the house to “listen in on the houseguests” a little bit and we hear them talking about a box and how they hope nobody will be popping out of it. Actually, guys… that’s probably precisely what’s going to happen – tomorrow night to be exact. Sorry not sorry!

Tune into tomorrow for our take on the special Battle Back episode and subsequent feeds. You can always check out our tweets at @RuiningBB18 too.

– Katherine Recap

El Valero

[For Preacher “El Valero” or any other recaps on Fetchland, assume the presence of possible spoilers.]

AMC Summary:
El Valero. In a fierce gun battle Jesse faces off against Quincannon and the Meat Men to protect his church, while Tulip tries to save a friend.

“Genesis, the greatest power ever known, and you’ve had all this time right there at the tip of your tongue… and what good have you done with it?”

Jesse makes a stand.

Tulip gets a dog.

And Cassidy… Well, Cassidy in all likelihood ate said dog.

My favorite episodes of Preacher this season have been the ones where the core three (Jesse, Cassidy and Tulip) are all interacting with one another. Their chemistry is so good and their performances (Tulip in particular) really make the show something special. However I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this episode given how none of the core three was actually in a scene together throughout the entire episode.

Last week we discovered that not only did Jesse’s influence on Quincannon not have the desired effect, but he feels he won their bet and now owns the church and the surrounding property. We see Quincannon’s forces march towards the church as that episode closes. This week’s episode opens in Vail in the 80’s, and gives us some unique insight into the painful (and gruesome) past of Odin Quincannon. We discover that his entire family died during a tragic funicular accident which led to the scene we saw in a prior episode where he confronts Jesse’s father about his faith and how he should denounce his God. We also learn that Odin butchered the bodies of his dead family in order show Jesse’s father that “Meat is Meat”. Preacher has gone to extremes before in previous episodes, but this scene was probably the height of their insanity considering Odin was literally holding the intestines of his daughter just to prove a point.

The rest of the episode was somewhat surreal as the siege on the church took on an absurd tone as Jesse was picking off Quincannon’s men one by one and the town started to gather to watch the spectacle like it was some Civil War reenactment (Donnie dressed like a confederate soldier didn’t help).

Side note: the scene where all the men are cheering when they see Clyde survived the fire bomb attack was priceless. The music swells and it feels like a triumphant sequence until you see Clyde is actually walking back with his penis in hand.

Meanwhile Jesse was having an existential crisis inside the church at the same time he was shooting off men’s penises. Jesse was still devastated from exiling Eugene to Hell, and he pleaded to God to bring him back, screaming “Come back Eugene”. Suddenly the floor boards open up and we see a hand in the dirt. Jesse pulls the body up and we find its Eugene, come back from Hell. I was skeptical that it was really Eugene; I mean if you were in Hell for a couple of days I’d imagine you’d be somewhat traumatized beyond being just a little thirsty. I thought it was probably a dream, but in fact Eugene was merely a vision spawned from Jesse’s guilt.

Another failed assault by Quincannon leads Jesse to make a demand to bring the angels to the church.

The angels arrive and Jesse agrees to return Genesis if they help bring Eugene back from Hell, which they agree to. After they successfully pull Genesis from Jesse through sing song, they back out of the deal.

Unfortunately for them, Genesis bursts from the coffee can once again and surges into Jesse. Rather than try again, they Angels seem dejected and just give up altogether.

Ultimately Jesse’s stand against Quincannon is foiled by none other than Donnie, who cleverly manages to neutralize Jesse’s power by deafening himself.

Quinncannon confronts Jesse in the church and makes him sign over the land to appease the God of Meat. Jesse manages to convince Odin to give him until Sunday so he can make one last sermon. Claiming that he was going to make God speak to the town, and if he couldn’t, he’d give Odin what his father refused, he’d renounce God.

Then there was Tulip’s storyline.

Tulip didn’t do much this episode, other than adopt a dog. For much of the episode she’s basically playing with the dog and caring for it. I wasn’t really sure the point of it all other than maybe she was looking for some companionship with Jesse turning cold to her and Cassidy missing. However the real twist came at the end when she basically locks the dog in a room and then we hear sounds that I’m pretty sure are a certain Irish vampire regenerating himself at the expense of poor Brusky.

Next week will be the show’s penultimate episode, so if it’s anything like Game of Thrones it will likely be the best one to date. I imagine they’ll have a huge scene at Sunday sermon and the finale will likely set up season 2. All in all I thought this week’s episode was a bounce back episode, as I felt last week’s show was a little weak. Hopefully they continue to build towards a spectacular finale.

-Osyp Lebedowicz

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Natalie
Roadkill Comp Winner – Tiffany
RK Nominated – Corey – replaced with Da’vonne
Veto Winner – Corey
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte +1

July 22nd, Friday CBS will air a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother at 8PM EST.

Have-Nots – Team Unicorn: James, Natalie
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie


Nicole cries because Corey’s nominated

The July 20th TV show opens with tears falling all over the Big Brother house. Nicole’s bawling that Corey’s up on the block and Natalie’s tears are because she’s nominated this week. Speaking of crying, Paulie tries to make Tiffany cry by berating her before the Veto competition. He fails and Tiff shows that she’s not as weak emotionally as she’s appeared to be thus far; holding her own against him. After this Tiffany constructs diabolical plots with Frank and Bridgette while James watches, quietly sitting right next to them on the bed.


Day in yet another “sketchy” convo

Then Frank approaches Day to ask her about what happened with the 5-4 vote at the live eviction Thursday night. Was it about getting him out next week? This attracts negative attention to Day just for talking to him; even though he came over to her and all she did was neglect to shun him. The show is using this incident as an example of why Day gets nominated in the upcoming Veto ceremony but it’s not really accurate. Tiffany puts her up because Frank wants her out and she thinks Day is “sketchy”. Period.


Corey wins Veto

The Veto competition is candy-themed and very Willy Wonka (without the licensing rights) with an ice cream scoop challenge. The battle works as head-to-head matches with only the final standing winner left to claim the Veto. As we already know, Corey ends up winning, despite his plan to throw it to Paul. Paul just wasn’t fast enough with the scoops, apparently. Mama Day got the blues when Corey won Veto and Tiff was a bit perturbed that Da’vonne didn’t assume she would be safe in Tiff’s Roadkill hands. It’s understandable for Day to not trust Tiffany or Frank but showing her feelings so outwardly was a big mistake. The key to success in BB is retaining a facade of normalcy no matter what. So, although Day can definitely succeed at the social game, she’s gotta work that much harder at it if she can’t hide her true feelings for Diary Room.


Now THAT is a hair flip

After the Veto competition, the show dedicates an entire segment to Tiffany’s hardcore campaign against Day. She begins with Frank, then Paul and so on through all the houseguests, as we’ve covered in our daily feeds reportage. Just before the Veto ceremony, Corey tells us his only hesitation about using the Veto on himself is the prospect of Nicole going up in his place. He definitely doesn’t want that. Still, Corey takes himself off the block and then Day goes up. The “whipping of hair” we heard about on the feeds, when Tiffany ranted against Day’s “attack”, turns out to be literally nothing. Her hair didn’t even touch Tiff in the Veto ceremony. So, who knows what Tiffany means about Day throwing shade. Later in the Diary Room, though, Mama Day calls Tiff “a cheap knockoff of her sister” and then whips her hair back over her shoulder. CBS even gives us the sound of a whip crack for emphasis on this glorious flip. It’s delicious when producers play along!


Nicole breaks the news to Frank

Meanwhile the July 20th feeds were a spectacle of whispers. The house shifted back and forth between evicting Tiffany and Day with Frank pushing to evict Day and James on the other side of the argument, pushing back for Tiff to leave. In a long midnight-ish talk between Nicole, Corey, Natalie, and James they “decide” it’s gotta be Tiffany this week. After their seemingly infinite discussion Nicole “breaks the news” to Frank in the kitchen and he pretends to accept it. There are still a lot of hours before the live show of July 21st and then the subsequent Battle Back episode. So, any number of shifts will potentially take place in the interim. They also might not matter if the evictee just battles right back into the house on Friday’s special episode.


Natalie and James in Limerence

Meanwhile the showmances are taking serious hold now with half the house “officially paired” into Natalie/James, Corey/Nicole, and Zakiyah/Paulie along with the honorary asexual showmance of Frank/Bridgette. Unless the next few HOHs focus on breaking up those pairs it’s going to be a showmance summer in the Big Brother house for certain! A lot of feedsters don’t like the canoodling houseguest dynamic but we don’t discriminate here at Let them love each other; for lovers beat haters, baby… we always say. You haven’t experienced adorable until you check out the spontaneous baguette sword fight Natalie and James had on July 20th. Limerence can be so sweet.

Tune in and check back with for all the updates we can muster. CBS has made it clear that feeds will be down all night Thursday after the TV show and all the way into Friday’s special Battle Back episode. So Friday’s update will only cover the live show. But as soon as feeds return we’ll let you know what’s REALLY happening. You can always see our tweets at @RuiningBB18 for the latest and greatest also.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Natalie
Roadkill Comp Winner – Tiffany
RK Nominated – Corey – replaced with Da’vonne
Veto Winner – Corey
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte +1

July 22nd, Friday CBS will air a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother at 8PM EST.

Have-Nots – Team Unicorn: James, Natalie
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie


Nicole advises Zak like a BFF while face-washing

July 19th was a snoozy day in the Big Brother house with pretty much the only activity going on between the ears of each houseguest. Whether they were napping, strategizing or overreacting, it was all mind game today. The houseguests did play a game of Hide & Seek which turned into a swarming hornet’s nest for clueless Paulie when he hid for a VERY long time in close quarters with Natalie. His claustrophobic hiding choice set off some alarm bells in Zakiyah about Paulie’s affections. His heart’s only supposed to be for Zak. But a tiny pep talk from Nicole in the bathroom during face-washing-time helped, “You’re better than this. Pretend you don’t care. Be confident and strong, etc.” so, Zak powered through the negative side of her emotions to cuddle the night away with Paulie, as predetermined by the BB matchmaking gods.


Stories from houseguest days of yore

At one point during Hide & Seek, Corey walked in on Bridgette in the bathroom thinking somebody might hide in there. Nope, Corey, somebody’s dumpin’ in there. Who would hide in that nasty crevice of crap and pee spray everywhere? Corey’s happyface shrug at this mistake is our featured pic this week. Talk about sorry-not-sorry. He’s the July 19th king of it. After all the Hide & Seeking shenanigans the houseguests sat on the living room couches all together to tell college and high school stories. There was a lot of “dropping trou” and assorted prank chit chat but no real action, at least not outwardly.


Frank bangin’ his head against bricks

The real action was in the whispering rather than these raucous living room stories. Frank continued campaigning for Tiff to stay and Day to go. There was a long kitchen discussion with Paulie but it’s actually all-for-nothing because Paulie remains immovable about getting Tiffany out this week. Frank’s convinced he can get a tie vote for Thursday night and that Paulie (as Head of Household) will be tie-breaker and get Day out. But the truth seems to be quite the contrary. At the same time everybody keeps talking about how Tiffany “seems really comfortable” and “why is she not freaking out?” which are valid observations.


Sayin’ and prayin’ James wouldn’t vote her out

Da’vonne, of course because she’s on the block too, notices Tiffany’s comfort more than anyone and tells Michelle, “Be prepared for a lot of campaigning against me tomorrow,” knowing that it’s likely going to be OK for her anyway. James won’t vote her out, Day says with confidence and even if Frank manages to tie the vote, Paulie won’t likely evict her now. Michelle asks her if Tiff’s campaigning and even Mama Day knows that, “It’s just Frank,” so, he’s not as slick as he thinks. That doesn’t mean he won’t succeed in getting Da’vonne out this week but it seems less likely with each conversation. Another convo that resonated through the house on July 19th was between Natalie and Mama Day. They had a heartfelt back and forth about deep, meaningful life stuff that lasted an eternity and clearly bonded them. Frank tried to use this against Day while campaigning. He argues that this is Mama Day’s way of campaigning but it actually seems that a genuine connection grew between them, not game-play.

Paulie and Paul

Paulie and Paul plotting in private

In the meantime, Paulie and Paul are keepin’ it Bros before Hos in the storage room, whispering and plotting. Paulie talk about “us four guys” keeping it quiet and staying loyal to each other first. He means Paul, Corey, Himself, and James when he mentions the “four boys” and they go through all the houseguests one by one deciding when it’s best to “clip” each one. Paulie also reveals to Paul that he holds a bit of resentment against Nicole for not picking him in the first competition’s team selection and then putting him on the block for her HOH. He also portrays himself in the image of Derrick from Big Brother 16 so he’s going for the long term plan strategy. It’s entertaining… but pompous too. It’s not that easy, bro! We’d like to see some dark horses take the reins and teach him a lesson in humility soon. Maybe Friday? Stay tuned to find out how it all shifts when Big Brother brings back a player in their special episode this Friday with the Battle Back episode.

Best Quote:

When Corey can’t find Paulie and Natalie during Hide & Seek, Paul says he knows the scoop, “Paulie’s in the fishtank”.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Natalie
Roadkill Comp Winner – Tiffany
RK Nominated – Corey – replaced with Da’vonne
Veto Winner – Corey
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte +1

July 22nd, Friday CBS will air a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother at 8PM EST.

Have-Nots – Team Unicorn: James, Natalie
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie

The Veto ceremony took place on the morning of July 18th so Corey took himself off the block and Day went up as the Roadkill (Tiffany) replacement nominee. Aftershocks of bitchiness from this event continue to reverberate through the California wilderness like a wildfire as the live feeders watch telling after retelling of the ceremonial events. Reports are that “Tiffany is a betrayer,” in Michelle’s words, for putting up her alleged ally. Meanwhile from Tiffany’s wing of the building we hear that Mama Day, “whipped her braids” at Tiffany and then, “started the shade,” against her. We checked the urban dictionary and them’s fightin’ words.


Those braids look PLENTY long to us

After this Tiffany (allegedly) snarked at Mama Day that, “Your hair’s not long enough, bitch!” in retort. She then sought advice from Frank who told Tiff basically to quiet down and let others lose their control while maintaining her own – solid advice for any Big Brother player or really any human at all given any situation. Meanwhile Day goes in the storage room alone and mutters that she’s “sick of these nasty ass people,” before getting called into the Diary Room for what’s certain to be some dandy doozy quotes we can’t wait to see on Wednesday’s show.


Frank tries to get votes against Mama Day

Meanwhile Frank circled the house like a doggie with his tail trying to get votes to send out Mama Day rather than Tiffany this week. Frank keeps repeating that he thinks he can get the votes to 7-1 with Day going home. Problem for Frank is that most people are telling him they’re only on board to vote out Da’vonne but only if he actually has all those votes set in stone. He doesn’t.


Official showmance evidence

There was a morning canoodling event when Nicole and Corey shared quality time in bed after waking next to each other at around 8:45AM. The alert to feedsters was some blanket rustling and then Nicole pointing out that they are, “in the Big Brother house,” but then the blanket went over their heads anyway and the rustling continued in a specifically sensual fashion. Nothing major… but activity fo sho. We’ve included a shot here of Corey’s hand on Nicole’s shoulder (for evidentiary purposes) but because it’s the “night vision” BB camera, we feel kinda dirty about it, guys.


Michelle fights for the right to bitch

Michelle and James had a pseudo-fight because she thinks Tiffany should be shunned and ignored while James prefers a gentler approach. So, then Michelle gets mad and says James is calling her mean and she’s sick of him making her feel like she’s mean. “This is a mean game!” she pronounces. OK, maybe it is… but James is playing it so much smarter than you in this instance. The conversation ended with James apologizing profusely to Michelle (we still don’t really know what for) and all we can say on the topic is that whomever the lady is that ends up married to James is a VERY lucky woman.


Listening to Paulie on the hammock

In our Quote of the Week category for July 18th, Paulie takes the cake. He’s in the hammock with Mama Day and talks about how Tiffany gave him information against her, “Thanks for that information about Da’vonne. I’ll use it next week after you’re out of the house,” he tells Day was what he thought about Tiffany’s “news”. This is classic HOHitis. Paulie’s so drunk with power he doesn’t realize he’s basically threatening Day to her face and about a week in which he has ZERO chance of being HOH. As outgoing Head of Household, he can’t even compete for the title next week. Nice one, Paulie!

In other news, Bridgette’s birthday was soundly ignored in the house but they had a full blown party, with hats and a cake, for Zakiyah’s stuffed giraffe on July 18th. Yes, the hats were constructed from tin foil, and the cake was tiny but it’s the effort and energy that really matter when it comes to celebrations. This house’s effort and energy shows us that the feelings of a stuffed giraffe hold more value than a grown ass Cabbage Patch kid. Thus, Bridgette is officially the Rodney Dangerfield of Big Brother 18 – she can’t get no respect.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Natalie
Roadkill Comp Winner – Tiffany
RK Nominated – Corey
Veto Winner – Corey
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte +1

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Unicorn: James, Natalie
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie


Sad Tiffany puts her fightin’ pants on

The July 17th TV episode reveals how Frank stayed pretty chill despite the eviction and HOH of last Thursday. After all, he knew he had plenty of time to figure out what happened with the flipped vote. Still, he was a major part of that fight with Tiffany and Day. Both Tiff and Frank accuse Day of telling each of them the other was gunning for them. Day fights back at first (shown in our featured pic today) but quickly controls herself. Afterwards Tiff gets sad and then rolls right into her machinations while Day has the opposite reaction, realizing that her fight last year on the show ended up getting her evicted. So, she goes to Frank right away and makes peace. They don’t really trust each other but pretend to “peace out”, just like Nicole and Frank did recently. So, now Tiff’s got her fightin’ pants on while Day’s just chillin’ this week.


James attempts to reason with others

James points out that Bronte wouldn’t be doing all this drama that Tiff’s doing. He calls Tiffany a “loose lip cannon” and from what we’ve seen on the feeds Thursday until tonight, she’s certainly earned that namesake. Frank joins Tiffany for their heart-to-heart and it’s a real deal. They tell each other “everything” and decide to get rid of Mama Day soon. Right then Day walks in to see them and then reports back to HOH about the two of them talking. So, Day approaches Tiff then about her chat with Frank while Nicole and Paul listen, crouched outside the door. Day has Tiff cry in her lap while dry-eyed Tiffany keeps repeating that she “did this already” and it’s true, she cried her eyes out with Natalie only a little while before. Timing is everything. It’s literally too late for Day… in every way when it comes to Tiffany.


Paulie nominates Tiff and Nat

Nominations are next for the TV show and nobody’s surprised to see Tiffany and Natalie on the block. Afterward Tiff and Frank talk and he decides if he wins the Roadkill he’ll put Corey up to shake up the showmances. Tiffany digests this information and will put it to good use sooner than one might expect. Because Natalie’s on the block, James is particularly protective of her. He points out that it’s not Natalie playing both sides when people bring up her name as a potential “spy” or “leak” and it’s sweet to see him looking out for her but at the same time he’s just telling the truth. She’s loyal and honest.


Tiffany wins the Roadkill challenge

The Roadkill competition seems made for Frank because it focuses on stinky farts. The challenge requires placing air fresheners delicately on colorful poles. Many houseguests are too rough and fast in their process, knocking the fresheners off the poles. Tiff stays pretty relaxed and careful, though using her long, lean, limbs to master the challenge and win it. After the win, she approaches Frank about putting up Corey to mess with “cocky Paulie” joking that Frank’s cocky too but she’s using him right now. Ha ha.


Deciding Mama Day “needs to go”

On the July 17th feeds Tiffany continued to blow up Day’s game, planting seeds around the house and creating a stir with her whisper bombs. Paulie, Corey, and Frank end up having a conversation where it starts to look like Day’s on the way out. James ends up having to defend Natalie (again) because Michelle and Day think she’s bringing info to the other side. So, James says what about Paul? He’s clearly playing both sides. Time for them all to notice that too.


– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Natalie
Roadkill Comp Winner – Tiffany
RK Nominated – Corey
Veto Winner – Corey
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte +1

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Unicorn: James, Natalie
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie


Corey won Veto then heard lotsa “news”

July 16th brought the Power of Veto challenge and lots of subsequent whispering and scheming. Da’Vonne and Paul compete in the Veto competition with Paulie, Corey, Natalie, and Tiffany while Zakiyah plays host. The houseguests expected a dice-related challenge, so they’ve been practicing dice rolls continuously to prepare. Paulie and Tiffany even came into the house with dice game strategies ready. He coached Corey and Natalie in his methodology while Tiffany shared her practice tactics with Mama Day. But July 16th’s Veto isn’t a dice challenge at all, though there probably will be one eventually as they’re prevalent in the Big Brother competition archive.


Natalie’s cute post-Veto look

The Have-Nots for the week are James and Natalie because of their last place Team Unicorn status in the HOH competition. For some inexplicable BB reason their supplements for the week are baked beans, baguettes, and basil. Natalie eats a bowl of beans for breakfast and then says it’ll be cool when she blows out her butt during the POV competition. She then advises James about how they should eat more beans than bread through the bathroom door while he takes a dump, explaining that otherwise they’ll get constipated. Thus, Natalie and James seem to have completely skipped the whole fun and romantic stage of dating and just dove straight into the frank discussions of bowel movements stage.


Tiffany senses sketchiness

Corey wins the Veto and plans to take himself off which will mean the Roadkill winner has to secretly nominate someone new. That person, of course, is Tiffany. She’s in a Have-Not room bumper car near James in his respective bumper car when Day comes in and asks Tiffany who she’s going to put up in Corey’s place. Tiff says she doesn’t know and Day abruptly leaves, which Tiff then tells James seems mad sketchy. Right after that Tiffany tells Frank she’s going to put Mama Day up for nomination. She also tells him about the Fatal5 alliance. Paul comes in so Frank and Tiffany tell him about the alliances as well as all sorts of sketchy stuff about Mama Day scheming.


Chips and chatter in ridiculous outfits

Paul quietly collects the info and then immediately runs to tell the other side that Frank told him about the 8Pack and all the Mama Day dirt. He also buddies up with his bros in the HOH bed later, planning a detailed scenario in which he shouts a lot of F-Yous and wins a competition. Sounds fun, Paul! We love when you entertain us. Right after this Tiffany tells Corey Mama Day has been screwing with her behind the scenes during the whole game. Tiff reveals info about the 8Pack, Fatal5, and that she won Roadkill too. Then Frank joins the conversation along with silent Bridgette. Frank drops an allegorical/emotional bomb on Corey, saying he made a Final2 deal with Nicole.


Jacuzzi chat w/ Paul, Nicole, and Day

This leads to some awkwardness between Nicole and Corey for the afternoon but then they talk it out in the backyard later and it henceforth seems smoothed over between them. A bit afterward Nicole sits with Paul and Mama Day for ice cream in the jacuzzi and at one point Paul says that Frank and Tiffany are “going to try to use every piece of information to break us apart” which is exactly right. That’s precisely what they’re doing. Tiffany keeps swearing on her mother’s life etc. and then spilling every info bit, like a toddler with a tray of beads. Will it work? We don’t really care much because we’re just here to have fun and all this “blowing up people’s games” via Tiffany’s truth-telling creates popcornorific entertainment. Even if the other houseguests don’t believe Tiffany and Frank now… the seeds are sown. Thus, the tension and potential for further outbursts grows like weeds in the Big Brother garden of delights.

– Katherine Recap

[For Preacher “He Gone” or any other recaps on Fetchland, assume the presence of possible spoilers.]

AMC Summary:
He Gone. Jesse’s actions alienate and endanger those closest to him as we glimpse into his past and finally learn the root of all of his guilt.

If you read any of OsypL‘s earlier recaps for Preacher… I’d guess that “He Gone” was where he was wishing the show would get to. Well, it’s here.

“He Gone” lacks an artful fight scene a la last week’s (um, two weeks ago, cough cough michaelj) “Sundowner” but instead brings together many of the plot threads and semi-developments from basically all of the characters to this point. At least three key mysteries are revealed, and the final scene teases a battle like we’ve never seen [yet] on this show.

And that’s saying something.

My Top 8 Big Reveals from “He Gone”:

First and Foremost, Eugene is, in fact, in Hell.

At the end of the previous episode it was a bit unclear if Jesse had actually sent Arseface into the fires of damnation. There were some good question marks planted, for example how he couldn’t get Cass to say something he didn’t know, or fly (both breaking common sense bounds of reality). For whatever reason those bounds didn’t apply with Eugene.

I think the stress of “He Gone” — with Jesse lashing out and alienating those closest to him while acting in an authoritarian way towards his congregation — emanates from a fundamental notion of order. Eugene would not be in Hell but for God’s will / blessing (even if Jesse, via Genesis, was the catalyst). Ergo, it is just. As a preacher that allows Jesse to put on a particular face, but as a person… He just sent a kid to Hell. Jeez. Ouch. Pokey pokey. Internal discord.

To be fair, if anyone deserved it… It was probably Eugene.

Up until this point tv-only viewers did not know the true origin of Arseface. In the comic book, he essentially copied the suicide of Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain… But that had a very different level of cultural relevance when Preacher came out in 1995. This version of Arseface carries a much different burden.

Tracy Loach was the prom queen, rodeo queen, and queen of Eugene’s heart. He eventually gathered the courage to confess his love to her… And was rejected. Eugene’s reaction was to put a shotgun to her head, and then turn it on himself.

Yikes! Well now we better know why the town bullies leave shotguns in his room, telling him to finish the job; or the level of violent reaction from Tracy’s mom when Eugene comes by.

Jesse blames himself for his father’s demise (and more).

Up until the middle of “He Gone” Jesse’s father, the previous Annville preacher, was depicted as always having done “the right thing”. This includes taking in the young Tulip O’Hare when her mother was in jail and her drunk uncle couldn’t take care of her. Sparks bloomed between young Tulip and Jesse, including their future partnership as tough guys even, but papa Preacher eventually had Tulip sent away to be a ward of the state.


Wasn’t she well behaved enough?

“She’s an O’Hare.”

Barf. Pure prejudice. That is about the opposite of what someone who always does the right thing would say.

Jesse reacted by praying for his father to be killed and sent straight to Hell. Jesse almost immediately got his wish!

Given his worldview at this point, we must believe that Jesse believes that 1) his father (an otherwise good man) is in Hell, 2) Jesse caused it via supernatural means even pre-Genesis, and 3) sending Eugene to Hell was no big deal… It’s not like he hasn’t done this before, and with a much better man.

Secret Origin Story: Jesse’s internal conflicts and guilt.

Tulip expects Jesse to love her and be with her “until the end of the world.”

Tulip’s attitudes toward Jesse have been hard to rationalize, um, rationally to this point. A girl this capable can’t really just be hung up on some guy who doesn’t want her right back, can she?

Except that both their lives, or pre-Genesis paths anyway, seem to fork from a shared childhood crucible. Jesse sent his father to Hell over this pledge; and Tulip has been pointed in a Jesse-direction ever since, still calling herself his girlfriend decades later.

V. Cassidy thinks he and Tulip “made love” (barf).

Tulip doesn’t.

I don’t actually know where this is putting any of the pieces on the board. Tulip, who hangs out in whorehouses, may or may not think coitus [alone] is that big a deal. She certainly has a transactional POV around it (i.e. drugs or violence in exchange for sex). He is a however-many-centuries-old Creature Of The Night. Is this going to be that big a deal?

There are three interesting concepts, total, in fiction: Sex, Violence, and Authority; Preacher has all of these woven into the strands of its fundamental tissue, BTW. When any two (if not all three) overlap is when stories get really interesting. TLDR: I can’t imagine this point ending… um… particularly gracefully.

Kid Tulip bit off kid Donnie’s nipple.


He’s supposed to be the tough guy! I almost feel bad for the broken-armed strongarm at this point. Almost.

VII. Odin Quincannon is not a Christian.

He demands Jesse’s father’s land and church, says that even given the “SERVE GOD” echo-voice treatment Jesse should have known better.

(We might also be able to tell he’s “not a Christian” [at least as defined by the collective unconscious definition of the town of Annville] by the fact that he thinks nothing of shotgunning visiting business partners over a brandy).

For that matter, Odin Quincannon is not a particularly good businessman.

His meat packing is less than 1/12 the size of the business in his father’s time; less than 1/52 the size of his grandfather’s. What the hell has old Quin been doing other than Civil War miniatures and novelty prostitute hunts around the sinkhole?

… Rallying a heavily armed South to rise up against one man in a church, if the final scene has anything to say about it, apparently.

Bring on the beatdowns.