Ruining Big Brother 18 – September 21st
Posted by Katherine Recap | "Reality" Competition, Hollywood, TVSeptember 21st is Finale Night

James admits he didn’t throw one of them
First things first for the finale; cool cat, Paul wins the first part of the final HOH competition. Meanwhile James is a real puss talking bout how it’s hard even from the beginning. He complains about milk and kitty litter on his shoes… yeah, cause clean shoes matter a TON when you’re competing for $500K. After he wins, Paul says now he can take a long catnap while the other two battle it out in part two. Meow.

Nicole expresses confusion about F2
Next we see the BB amusement park competition for part two. There’s a roller coaster and the whole thing seems really challenging and precise. The houseguests have to place correct houseguest faces in a coaster car and then time the car going down the coaster so that a pic taken of it captures the houseguests as they pass. Nicole works hard and runs the whole time, pushing herself to get the best time possible. She does well. James, on the other hand, spends the comp bein’ clueless and blaming the houseguest faces for failing him in the challenge. You know, like how a winner competes. He doesn’t even run for most of the competition and thus, Nicole wins. But we already knew that.

Meech dabs her last BB18 tears
Then we see Dr. Will lead the jury discussion. The talk of James is annoying until Da’Vonne says “Ewwww,” to sum up his gameplay and we all sigh with relief that the jury’s not all blind. The jurors seems to be fans of Paul’s game and we’re LOVING it. Victor doesn’t even have to say anything until the very end. They all seem to respect Paul’s game even though they didn’t always like how he spoke to them. Nicole on the other hand, doesn’t get much in the way of props. Corey defends her valiantly but nobody else appears to buy into it. Michelle, of course, bursts into tears at the mere mention of Nicole.

Bye Bye, James!
In the final part of the last HOH competition Paul and Nicole balance on the “Scales of Just Us” and are tied awhile at the start. But soon Paul takes the lead with a question about Paulie and then gets another leading point with a Natalie question. When he wins the final HOH, we feel like all’s right in the world! It’s Paul’s decision time back inside the house then and he quickly evicts James. HOORAY! Finally, finally, finally, finally. James makes a joke about taking the new tiny version of Pablo (like Meech did on her way out) and we’re so happy James is leaving that we laugh out loud. Julie immediately confronts James about not winning much and he puffs up his chest real big and says he threw it all, baby. It was on purpose! Of course.

Nicole’s speech
Now it’s jury interrogation time and we’re so excited we can hardly wait. James joins the jury and Da’Vonne laughs her ass off right along with us about his eviction. They ask Paul about his crass talk and Nicole what her big move was in the game. Nicole talks a lot but doesn’t say much at first. Then she stands up for herself pretty well in the end of the question/answer part. Paul probably should have apologized rather than just pulling the “You guys knew I was crazy,” card. But then it seems OK because Paul nails his speech. He kills it. When they break for the jurors to vote Paul and Nicole are happily giggling together and nervous. It’s sort of adorable… even on mute.
Then the houseguests vote one at a time, giving little to no indication for how they’re voting. James is the one we wonder about the most while they’re voting but turns out it’s a real stumper as Julie reads the keys, to find so many of them vote for Nicole.
James – Paul
Corey – Nicole
Victor – Paul
Natalie – Nicole
Michelle – Paul
Paulie – Nicole
Bridgette – Paul
Zakiyah – Nicole
Da’Vonne – Nicole
Da’Vonne? Really? It wasn’t what we expected. Nicole wins. We’re happy for her but sad for truth, justice, and the American way – which continue to evade us.
Victor wins America’s Favorite Player and THAT feels right. We’ll take our crumbs and go now because the season usually ends this way – disappointing on the whole but we had fun anyway. On to the next installation of Big Brother. This one’s called OTT: Over the Top and it’s all online all the time. Who’s brewing the coffee? We’re ready to roll.
Sittin’ Ducks For Life!
– Katherine Recap