Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Victor
HOH Nominated – Corey, Paulie
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette
Battle Back Winner – Victor
Return Ticket Holder – TBD
Have-Nots – TBD
Have-Not Supplement – TBD

You coulda been a unicorn
The August 12th feeds were a festival of aftermath in many forms. It all began with Nicole winning the safety care package from America. This is unsurprising to Fetchland because most viewers of Big Brother are of the normal and un-obsessed variety. They just know she’s cute as a button and that’s certainly true, especially if you just watch the TV show. We’re disappointed in Nicole, though because she was given a choice between a unicorn costume and the one she’s wearing. It’s baffling to us that she’d choose THIS over a unicorn. Newsflash, Nicole, unicorns are the bomb. They’re magical mythological creatures that represent purity and strength. OK, we’ll calm down in a bit…

Victor – playing the BB game
Speaking of calming down, after Victor nominated Paulie and Corey there was a long awkward kitchen silence before Paulie came at Victor hardcore. Corey played eye darts wth himself while listening at the the table in his Christmas hat. Meanwhile Paulie just played fight fight fight. Victor wasn’t playin, though. He pointed out that Paulie put him out of the house. Period. I can forgive but I can’t forget. I went out that door. I talked to Julie. He ended the conversation after pointing out that he didn’t attack when Paulie put him up. Oh snap. They’re talking but we’re busy bein’ lost in your eyes, Victor. Thanks for snatching that hero archetype out of Paulie’s mitts. We appreciate your balls. In the meantime perhaps Paulie can cool his jets sometime soon.

Paulie’s HOHitis appears to be in remission
Paul confronted Paulie about how he acted like he didn’t trust him after Zakiyah left. It is a super duper smartypants strategy to come after Paulie at this point. It’s psychological warfare in there and Paulie even starts crying during their convo. Paul gets him at a weak moment and makes him feel guilty. This is a solid game tactic. If Paul hadn’t taken this stance, Paulie would have confronted him hardcore. But now he doesn’t have to defend himself, Paulie does, once he gets a grip on his tears. It’s brutal magic. Remember, Paul plays chess. Natalie also waves her magic cheerleader wand, inviting Nicole to join the girls for a post-nomination conversation. She does the EXACT same thing Paul did with Paulie. It’s always bothered Natalie that Nicole has been consistently cold to her. Natalie’s main goal is to befriend everyone in the house. She tells Nicole now, who’s in a weak Corey-on-the-block emotional state. Nat she’s always wanted to be Nicole’s friend and it’s bothered her that Nicole wasn’t friendly back. It works like a charm. Nicole apologizes to Natalie. Glitter blasts out of the walls in a glorious confection, pink balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling, (in our imagination) and all was well. In actuality, all that happens is the apology

She’s here to play – Watch out!
It’ll be an interesting week ahead as Paulie and Corey play Veto and campaign. Going forward Michelle already offered to and will likely be the pawn that goes up next to Paulie or Corey if the other one wins the Veto or gets pulled off by another Veto winner (would have to be Nicole). It’s likely Michelle will stay no matter what, thus solidifying Meech as the houseguest who goes up on the block over and over and over but doesn’t go home. She’s also becoming the houseguest who blows sh** up by speaking her mind and we love that too. Paulie is perpetually on edge around her. It’s fun when the player who keeps avoiding eviction even though they always seem to be on the block gets mad emotional all the time, so we’re enjoying this season. Roles are reversing, emotions are flowing and now everyone (except James) is playing the game. We’re having fun!

You be you, Meech
– Katherine Recap