Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Nicole
HOH Nominated – Michelle, Paul
Veto Winner – Nicole
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor
Battle Back Winner – Victor & Victor (again)
Return Ticket Holder – Paul
Have-Nots – Victor, Corey
Have-Not Supplement – Squid and seaweed

Corey throws the Veto
The August 31st TV show is a fun extravaganza to watch thanks to the Christmas-themed Veto competition. It’s the noteworthy “counting competition” that Big Brother engages every season. Corey throws the Veto challenge to Nicole with a pretty obvious bad guess of one billion. So, now she has all the power in her hands and we know that in the end of the episode she won’t use the Veto, leaving Paul and Meech on the block.

Meech takes to her bed… for good
The TV show reveals the origin story for Michelle’s cave-dwelling with a scene about #sadmeech where she takes to her bed and cries, wailing that it’s all falling apart for her. Natalie tries to console her but, alas, she cannot be comforted. She’s lucky she has Natalie to turn to. Many houseguests in her same situation from all the years of BB have done this alone with virtually nobody to turn to. Michelle will likely look back on this and realize she was not in the worst position even if she felt like it at the time. In the Veto meeting the only noteworthy event is Nic’s choice of shirt, which was an abomination – especially paired with cutoff jean shorts. Yikes.

BB bribe Bros
Meanwhile in the Big Brother house we see on the feeds Michelle has gone full-blown cave dweller now. She’s barely functioning and sleeping twenty hour a day. For some reason James and Natalie seem oblivious to the blatant friendship between Paul/Victor and Corey/Nicole. They seem blissfully unaware although nobody’s really hiding their strong connection. In fact, Corey finally uses his Big Brother bribe on August 31st, giving it to Victor. It’s a sweet interaction because Victor’s genuine delight at the $5K is a joy to behold. Never mind that he certainly didn’t need a bribe to vote out Michelle and keep his best buddy, Paul. It’s a glorious exchange and seals the deal for this Final Four Alliance. They are a quatrain of truth and it’s lovely to finally see Nicorey playing the game. They could have just set it up so Corey used the bribe to have Nicole keep the nominations of the block in the Veto ceremony, as she did. But they wanted to show good faith and help out a buddy – Victor. We approve 100%, Nicorey. Anything that gets Victor closer to the final two is a bonus in our book.
Thursday night’s eviction is most likely going to be a final farewell to #SadMeech so the real action comes in the next HOH competition. We can’t wait. Check out Fetchland for Big Brother 18 TV show recaps and live feed updates.
– Katherine Recap