Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Victor
HOH Nominated – Michelle, Zakiyah
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne
Battle Back Winner – Victor
Return Ticket Holder – TBD
Have-Nots – Bridgette, Corey, James
Have-Not Supplement – Hash browns and corned beef

“It’s hard to know who to trust”
The August 6th feeds bring us the Veto player pick and competition. So, the feeds were often blocked from feedsters with these TV-only events; seven and a half hours to be precise. The Veto players are Victor (as HOH), Zak, Meech, James, Paulie, and Nicole. So, the way things stand before the Veto challenge, unless Michelle wins the Veto herself it’s unlikely she’ll get pulled off the block. Zakiyah is another (more dramatic) story. Thing is, the houseguests lie to Zakiyah, especially Nicole and Paulie, saying they have her back. In fact, they only have their own backs, as is the usual case in Big Brother. There’s an ironic moment after the Veto when Michelle “interviews” Z and asks her the hardest part of Big Brother. Zakiyah says into a hairbrush that it’s “knowing who to trust,” and boy she’s right on the mark with that one. Yes, it’s part of the game, of course, but the outright lies to Z aren’t really necessary at this point. They could just say they don’t know yet in a gentle way and avoid being an actual liar until it’s completely necessary. But neither Nicole or Paulie seem to consider their jury stakes yet… maybe because they hope to have James cancel out their votes. Dare to dream, guys. We’ll see what the house wants.

Paulie wins Veto
In a pretty dumbass turn of events, Paulie wins the Veto. The Veto challenge is a trash-the-house hide and seek type thing. This works out for the best overall because afterward the ladies wear really cute fifties-style bathing suits and everyone has to clean up the leftover disaster zone. Thus the house ends up much cleaner than it was before. It’s a win-win, except for the one guy who actually won the Veto. Paulie now has to either piss off Paul and Victor by taking Zak off the block or piss off Zakiyah by not doing so. At least that’s what we’re hoping. We like drama.

Bridgette tells Natalie the plan to evict Z
Another hope we currently cherish is that the houseguests will notice Paulie’s running the house and winning everything. Are they in BB to win it? Because if so they need to start shooting at worthy targets – AKA Paulie. Competitions aren’t the only way to win Big Brother. Seed bombs can be planted. Whispers can ignite ferocious battles. The whole battle can be won off the battlefield if you’re strategic enough. Paulie’s got this thing in the bag if things continue on this same loop. He spends the rest of August 6th telling everyone but Zakiyah that he’s going to leave things as they are and not use the Veto. At one point he tells Nicole he’s going to need her to help “manage Z” after the veto ceremony cause she’s going to freak out. So, apparently Paulie’s mistaken the BB house for the douchebag house. But we already kinda knew that. Right? Even if he’s lying to everyone and intends to use the Veto on her, it’s a dick move to talk this way about his cuddle buddy, Zak.

Paulie jerks off pool cue while lecturing
Meanwhile Bridgette’s getting a lot of information these days because her knee injury has made her seem “weak” even though her brain functions fully still. It’s funny because everyone knows the challenges get more and more mental as the summer passes. Yet Victor tells her everything and now even Paulie pulls her aside for “truth-telling” too. Bridgette knows about the plan to evict Zakiyah this week and talks with Natalie about how it seems stupid for Paulie to win the Veto with this particular plan in the works. Yes, it does, ladies. Keep using those noggins. Also, we love Bridgette’s song about how much she hates everyone. It’s music to our ears because it gives us hope that she’ll actually take down some worthy targets in the near future. Truth is, in the current state of this BB season, we wanna see either Natalie or Bridgette win this whole shebang and put PeePee into a permanent state of RIP.
Why we love Natalie She says things like, “I’m in an all girls alliance with me, myself, and I. I’m gonna take all these guys out by myself.”
– Katherine Recap