Posted by Katherine Recap | "Reality" Competition, Hollywood, TV

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Victor
HOH Nominated – Michelle, Zakiyah
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne
Battle Back Winner – Victor
Return Ticket Holder – TBD
Have-Nots – Bridgette, Corey, James
Have-Not Supplement – Hash browns and corned beef


Victor stays steady in the HOH comp

The August 7th TV show starts with the “Harsh Hashtag” HOH competition. One thing we learn after the competition on the feeds is Victor’s insightful tactic for winning. It’s evident when you watch it on the TV show that he figures out how to stabilize his center of gravity and not spin; exactly what he explained to the other houseguests later. Poor Natalie spins like crazy and eventually gets off when she realizes Victor isn’t dropping no matter what. Later on August 7th night-time feeds Natalie tells James she held on for so long to “scare people” so they realize she’s a competitor.


Understandably upset Zakiyah

Meanwhile Z gets understandably upset with Paulie because she feels set up by him with the Da’vonne blindside. Then he adds fuel to the fire by dropping off the HOH comp right after her. It as if Paulie was waiting for her to drop – which he was BTW. He admitted so in the Diary Room. Speaking of DRs, Michelle’s post HOH one is hilarious when she says about James, “America’s favorite, my ass,” which wins her the Fetchland award for best Diary Room of the episode. Congratulations, #VomitCryBaby! You’re the big winner.


Emotions? No thanks, bro.

Next we see Victor’s bravado at play when he talks about how excited he is to be “competition best bros” with PeePee. Afterward in the Diary Room, Paul points out the “PeePee prevails,” no matter how much Victor wants to be a trio which we already knew but it’s good to have certainty about it and that’s what we love about the Diary Room sessions. It’s a place to get the alleged “truth” except from people like Paulie who seem a bit unaware of the actual truth at times. Then James has a “chatbattle” with Michelle about why she’s cranky toward him and the house. After this the guys come to a strange conclusion – that Michelle’s just too darn emotional for the house. It’s as if any tiny expression of emotion is forbidden in there now. This is also a key moment in the game because it’s where the battles between Paul and Paulie begin over whether Zakiyah or Michelle should go.


I may be forced to use this against my will…

Then America’s next care package comes and James gets the goods. Unfortunately, we know that behind the scenes he chooses to throw it in the garbage. James also tells us the power makes him nervous… oh you poor poor thing James. We’re REALLY sorry we gave you such a tremendous burden. Funny thing is that on the August 7th evening feeds we find out that Paulie already asked James to use the power on him and Paul to eliminate their votes. This takes the “blood off their hands” when it comes to the eviction. So, James may not have a choice to stay neutral on this after all. He may be forced to actually make a decisions and choose between people. Yay!


Victor acts like an ass

Victor’s weird nomination speech makes very little sense after he says he put Z and Michelle on the block because they voted to evict him… and honestly that part isn’t really logical either. Seven others also voted to evict him! Bt his speech gets much worse and Victor sounds like an immature weenie who’s mad at Zakiyah for giving affection to Paulie and no attention to him. Then he’s uber nasty to Michelle before throwing beads at both of them. His comments are unnecessarily obtuse and mean with absolutely zero regard for his future jury votes. On the other hand, that red HOH robe looks fantastic on Victor.

On the August 7th evening feeds we see Corey and James have an interesting convo in the Have-Not room. They both realize that Paulie wants James to X out his vote so that he doesn’t have to own responsibility for it. Corey says, “All Paulie wants is to keep it the same so he doesn’t piss Paul and Vic off, then not to vote so it falls on me and you,” and he’s right. Corey’s playing Big Brother, guys. It’s a Christmas miracle! James and Corey decide they should X out two other votes instead. They agree evicting Michelle is the smart move and wonder why Victor and Paul are so set on getting rid of Zakiyah.


Is our favorite Fruit Loop Dingus goin home?

What Corey and James don’t understand is that both Vic and Paul want to be Paulie’s “Hand of the King” and Zakiyah is gettin’ in the way. Paulie’s the Alpha male and if Paul and Vic can’t be Alpha they sure as hell wanna be Beta. Funny thing is that James and Corey speculate that it’s because Paul and Victor are actually “closer than they pretend to be” implying they have a secret final two deal. Corey also speculates that maybe Paul and Vic will try to bring Bridgette and Michelle into their secret “team” and make a strong foursome to fight the showmance side of the house. It would actually be genius if they did…

Later in the evening Natalie tells James, “You’re all 3 trying to play Derrick’s game. I can see it. But you’re more of a floater,” talking about Paulie, James, and Nicole. She suggests that they (James and herself) form an alliance with Bridgette – just the three of them. James will always be her number one, Natalie says, but they could definitely use Bridgette to help them get to the end. But James isn’t honest with Nat in this conversation. He doesn’t tell her about the  Executives alliance even though she asks him directly if he’s in a guys alliance. We’re still pulling for Natalie to somehow make it to the end of this game. Too bad she can’t get another care package..She’ll just have to fight fight fight! Go Natalie!.

– Katherine Recap


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