Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Victor
HOH Nominated – Michelle, Zakiyah
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne
Battle Back Winner – Victor
Return Ticket Holder – TBD
Have-Nots – Bridgette, Corey, James
Have-Not Supplement – Hash browns and corned beef
August 9th was a glorious day on the Big Brother feeds. After a yawn of an afternoon with Paul still attempting to make the pelican floaty look “happen” he finally gives up at about 8PM BB time. Then it turns out somebody deflated it but nobody will admit to doing the deed. Speaking of floating blowup toys, Looks like Paulie might finally get popped with some reality. Michelle, Natalie, and Bridgette start yappin’ it up major big time and gettin’ real. They work on James hardcore and bring him around to their point of view – FINALLY. Then Paul also gets a good serving of “Spy Girl” strategy more than a few times and finally finally finally… it starts to work in the wee hours of the morning BB time in the London Room. Sleep tight Pee Pee! We’re here to officially proclaim that Paulie’s biggest mistake in BB18 was sleeping all day on August 9th. He’s BONED.
His second biggest mistake? Underestimating Natalie. He slammed her behind her back saying she’s phony and “always gives pageant answers,” thus enflaming the wrath of Nat Nat. Turns out after all that the blood of her enemies is Nat’s favorite snack – not chips. After a long evening of exposing all of Paulie’s strategy, secrets, and lies, it all finally hits maximum conflagration. The blow out is actually gonna happen! Paulie is goin’ down. The tipping point is likely the moment when Natalie turned James around 6:30AM in the storage room. She pointed out to him how Paulie pits the singles and couples against each other. This leaves him swinging free in the middle with no blood on his hands. James finally sees reason after she explains it a few times (haha). Bridgette comes in to help Natalie get through to James. In the end James says if they can get Victor on board with keeping Michelle this week, he’ll go for it. He’s ready.
Later on (8AM, folks) Natalie, Michelle, and Paul talk truth in their trio of London room beds. It all comes out about Paulie. He really thinks only of himself, they all agree. Paul realizes he’s truly getting “boned” being with Paulie. In fact, when Paul thinks that James will be the hardest nut to crack to get Michelle out, he has the idea that the three of them have to talk to Victor all at once so he can see the numbers are there for him to use the nix votes care package deal strategically. “If just one of us talks to Victor, he’ll run right to Paulie with the info,” Paul says. This is pure and unfiltered glorious MUSIC to our ears. That Paul’s thinking this way shows he actually means this whole conversation with Natalie and Michelle. In fact, though, Victor will easily come on board. The hard one to convince was James and Natalie converted him so well that he was the one to suggest they call Paulie out in front of everyone. James is playing the game now! Yay.
Natalie stays super amazing and sweet throughout all of it, telling Michelle how proud she is for how she’s been handling being on the block since the Veto ceremony. Nat also decides to carry the weight of “blowing the house up,” she’s actually flipping the whole frigging house. The plan involves convincing Victor to get on board with them for the double eviction plan to get Paulie out. This, of course will come after they flip the votes and evict Zakiyah. Natalie speaks the most truth and even talks about how James (sleeping) is the biggest floater of all. You gotta love that girl! Her eyes are wide open.
Another lovely aspect of the whole turn of events is how Paul stays pretty humble and realizes he looks like a Dbag for how he latched onto Paulie. Paul admits it’s a losing proposition. But he says it in Paulspeak, “I’m boned,” and everyone just nods in agreement before saying they too are boned in the current situation anyway. Meanwhile Natalie has the most balls of all. She’s ready to rock the house and take over – no holding back. Michelle even says, “Sometimes it takes an outsider,” about Natalie and says she’s outplaying everybody. Natalie responds that she’s just so proud of Michelle and how she’s being strong through all this. Neither of them are scared of anything anymore. Both know they could go home right away anyway. That “Power of Now” guy, Eckhart Tolle once said, “Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ — and find that there is no death”. This cuts to the heart of what’s happening right now in the Big Brother house. Natalie, Bridgette, and Michelle have nothing to lose at this point. They know the taste of BB death well – the metallic flavor of blood in their mouths. These are the people to most fear in any game, the ones with nothing to lose by playing hardcore. It’s wartime, baby.
We’ll be watching Natalie with poms poms in the air today and tomorrow. Natalie’s ready to confront Zakiyah and start the ball rolling. It’s all happening, guys. Trumpets are blaring and we can’t wait to hear Natalie’s battle cry shatter the BB walls. Stay tuned to Fetchland.com for the latest and our twitter @RuiningBB18. Our eyes will be locked on the BB feeds and reporting back to you. It’ll be a fun ride the next few days; that’s for sure!
– Katherine Recap