There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.
One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.
Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror…
Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Natalie
Roadkill Comp Winner – Tiffany
RK Nominated – Corey
Veto Winner – Corey
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte +1
22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother
Have-Nots – Team Unicorn: James, Natalie
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie

Sad Tiffany puts her fightin’ pants on
The July 17th TV episode reveals how Frank stayed pretty chill despite the eviction and HOH of last Thursday. After all, he knew he had plenty of time to figure out what happened with the flipped vote. Still, he was a major part of that fight with Tiffany and Day. Both Tiff and Frank accuse Day of telling each of them the other was gunning for them. Day fights back at first (shown in our featured pic today) but quickly controls herself. Afterwards Tiff gets sad and then rolls right into her machinations while Day has the opposite reaction, realizing that her fight last year on the show ended up getting her evicted. So, she goes to Frank right away and makes peace. They don’t really trust each other but pretend to “peace out”, just like Nicole and Frank did recently. So, now Tiff’s got her fightin’ pants on while Day’s just chillin’ this week.

James attempts to reason with others
James points out that Bronte wouldn’t be doing all this drama that Tiff’s doing. He calls Tiffany a “loose lip cannon” and from what we’ve seen on the feeds Thursday until tonight, she’s certainly earned that namesake. Frank joins Tiffany for their heart-to-heart and it’s a real deal. They tell each other “everything” and decide to get rid of Mama Day soon. Right then Day walks in to see them and then reports back to HOH about the two of them talking. So, Day approaches Tiff then about her chat with Frank while Nicole and Paul listen, crouched outside the door. Day has Tiff cry in her lap while dry-eyed Tiffany keeps repeating that she “did this already” and it’s true, she cried her eyes out with Natalie only a little while before. Timing is everything. It’s literally too late for Day… in every way when it comes to Tiffany.

Paulie nominates Tiff and Nat
Nominations are next for the TV show and nobody’s surprised to see Tiffany and Natalie on the block. Afterward Tiff and Frank talk and he decides if he wins the Roadkill he’ll put Corey up to shake up the showmances. Tiffany digests this information and will put it to good use sooner than one might expect. Because Natalie’s on the block, James is particularly protective of her. He points out that it’s not Natalie playing both sides when people bring up her name as a potential “spy” or “leak” and it’s sweet to see him looking out for her but at the same time he’s just telling the truth. She’s loyal and honest.

Tiffany wins the Roadkill challenge
The Roadkill competition seems made for Frank because it focuses on stinky farts. The challenge requires placing air fresheners delicately on colorful poles. Many houseguests are too rough and fast in their process, knocking the fresheners off the poles. Tiff stays pretty relaxed and careful, though using her long, lean, limbs to master the challenge and win it. After the win, she approaches Frank about putting up Corey to mess with “cocky Paulie” joking that Frank’s cocky too but she’s using him right now. Ha ha.

Deciding Mama Day “needs to go”
On the July 17th feeds Tiffany continued to blow up Day’s game, planting seeds around the house and creating a stir with her whisper bombs. Paulie, Corey, and Frank end up having a conversation where it starts to look like Day’s on the way out. James ends up having to defend Natalie (again) because Michelle and Day think she’s bringing info to the other side. So, James says what about Paul? He’s clearly playing both sides. Time for them all to notice that too.
– Katherine Recap