There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.
One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.
Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror…
Daily BB House Stats:
HOH Nominated – TBD
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany
Battle Back challenge players – Glenn, Jozea, Victor, Bronte, and Tiffany
Have-Nots – TBD
July 22nd, Friday, CBS will air a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother at 8PM EST.

Mama Day’s reaction to Paulie’s hair
The feeds are a flurry on the morning of July 21st. The houseguests talk about switching the vote but always came back to the conclusion of getting Tiffany out this week. So, the majority of Big Brother morning action revolves around primping for the live show. The biggest spectacle by far, a horrendous haircut Paul gives Paulie. The facial contortions from the houseguests as they watch are priceless, especially from Mama Day. Even Paulie’s face looks a tad horrified at times, although the cut’s completely under his direction and he encourages every move with those clippers the entire time. When the deed’s done and his head fully transformed to a clipped debacle, Paulie is summoned into the Diary Room and when he returns tells them the producers asked, “what the hell did you do to your hair?” and we imagine that’s what America will be asking as they watch the TV show.

You can tell by Tiff’s face that she knew
The July 21st TV show is loads of fun with visits from Tiffany and Paulie’s former houseguest siblings, Vanessa and Cody, a predictable twist, and then a cliffhanger for the houseguests who are left hanging without even a hint as to their expected HOH competition. In fact, they’d spent the morning donning active wear in anticipation of a taxing physical competition because their backyard has been locked for days while they can hear construction going on back there. As we expected, all the back and forth about possibly keeping Tiffany and evicting Mama Day came to nothing and the vote was the first unanimous of the season, evicting Tiff.

Day’s mocking farewell to Tiffany
Her calm and gorgeous face tells us they must have forewarned Tiffany of her imminent departure. She even handled Da’vonne’s funny, mocking farewell message, “I beat you! I beat you!” with a carefree laugh. Seeing her keep her composure and such sublime perspective was wonderfully refreshing and makes us hope she’s the Battle Back winner of Friday night’s special episode. We also know she’d for certain be all about getting rid of the showmances, which would make for some spectacular dramatics and feeds worthy of all night binge-watching.

Paulie’s the best player… except
Paulie’s brother, Cody from season 16 pays a short visit to the show just to say he thinks his bro is playing an awesome game, other than his showmance with Zak. So, is he playing a great game or not? Seems like Cody’s answer is yes AND no. We actually kinda agree with that conclusion. He’s playing hardcore on the one hand and winning while keeping his social game on par. But his showmance with Zakiyah remains the weakest romantic link in the house (weaker even, it seems, than the asexual Frank and Bridgette) and it’s garnering A LOT of negative attention. So, it really feels like a losing proposition for Paulie, although we do love Zakiyah. Best case scenario would be if Paulie got evicted and Zakiyah teamed up hardcore with Mama Day and James. That trio could go all the way.

Vanessa offers her insight on BB18
Vanessa, on the other hand, offers some interesting insight. We disagree about the double standard she talked about as far as Paulie being allowed to play his own game but Tiffany not so much. It’s more social than that, we think. Tiffany was a glumtacular black cloud for weeks, in bed eating cookies rather than making friends. THAT’s why it’s easier for them to evict her than it should be given all her campaigning. If they felt close to her or even liked having her around, it would be harder to give her the boot. Paulie, on the other hand, has an excellent social game. Showmance or not, people like hanging with him. Vanessa does offer one bit of excellent insight, though. She suggests that when it comes to Big Brother, it doesn’t matter if you can trust others, it matters that their incentives are aligned with yours. This idea really would help any houseguest play a better game in the house, hard as it might be to implement. In fact, this very idea almost helped Tiff stay in the house this week… too bad it was too late for her by the time she aligned with Frank. Houseguests obsessively talk about being able to “trust” each other and taking that element out of the equation would definitely help their game.

Victor lifting weights – eyes on the prize
Next on the show, we see the evicted houseguests and their interviews about the upcoming Battle Back competition. Glenn got a “loser” edit, blaming his team for why he’s out of the house and then the video showing his individual losses. The “winner’s circle” edit award definitely goes to Victor because he’s literally working out constantly preparing to fight his way back with an eye on the prize – getting revenge on Paulie. Jozea talks about chillin’ on the beach and wanting to get back into the house because he needs new designer shoes. While Bronte basically just said she’s been tanning poolside. So, we predict a showdown between Victor and Tiffany for the Battle Back victory. They seem to want it the most. Either one would make for mighty fun feeds, so we’re excited for Friday’s show and the fallout thereafter. Go Tiff! Go Vic!

Notified of teams and Roadkill termination
After Tiffany leaves the house and does her quick Chenbot interview, Julie notifies the houseguests that the teams are all over now (Yay!) as is the Roadkill challenge. It’s a whole new game from now forward! They pretend to be surprised but the truth is the houseguests predicted this awhile back and are just all relieved to be playing for themselves now. This alone will dramatically alter the way they play the next HOH competition, never mind that a former houseguest is also coming back for it. Julie then tells them another twist is coming along with some “secrets” revealed. So, they don’t yet know about the Battle Back challenge. As the show ends the producers give us a glimpse into the house to “listen in on the houseguests” a little bit and we hear them talking about a box and how they hope nobody will be popping out of it. Actually, guys… that’s probably precisely what’s going to happen – tomorrow night to be exact. Sorry not sorry!
Tune into Fetchland.com tomorrow for our take on the special Battle Back episode and subsequent feeds. You can always check out our tweets at @RuiningBB18 too.
– Katherine Recap