There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.
One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.
Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror…
Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Victor, Bronte
Roadkill Comp Winner – Victor
RK Nominated – Tiffany
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea
Battle Back challenge – Glenn vs. Jozea
22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother
Have-Nots – Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte
July 4th brought lots of patriotic socks, waiting and wrongness to the Big Brother house. First thing in the morning they held the Veto ceremony and Paulie took Paul off the nomination block before putting Victor up in his place. There weren’t as many fireworks in the aftermath of this as we anticipated (or secretly desired) because Victor accepted it quickly. He even broke our hearts a bit saying he originally planned on shaving his face when he got HOH but, “now I guess I can just shave it for Thursday night,” boo freakin hoo… That’s sad stuff, bro. Never give up! Never give in! We wish Victor could hear our cheer because with Natalie’s broken heart there’s no way she’ll cheer him on to a win in this game. This guy needs a pep talk, STAT.

Victor feels surrounded by snakes
Later, Nicole and Victor clean the kitchen together and he confides that he “feels surrounded by snakes,” to which Nicole can only nod with compassionate understanding. He also says that he can only trust her, Bronte, and Paul at this point, which isn’t really right at all either. If anything, Bronte holds her girl alliance sacred and little else. In fact, after the Veto ceremony she has a little Feisty McGee moment, yelling at the cameras,”See ya Victor! Bye bye! Paul, you’re fucking next!” But Bronte’s not right either. She has no idea that lots of the houseguests want her out and it may not have been wise for her to brag about how great she’ll be in competitions during her Veto speech. Why expose your strengths to your competitors? What makes her think that’ll make them want to keep her around?
Although the party wasn’t on feeds, we know the houseguests drank sangria, ate heartily, and repeated their latest mantra “friendship” on an infinite loop. Once the feeds came back we saw James hiding in the telephone booth of the London room to eavesdrop on ladies alliance info. He also goes in and out of the bro-town after party in HOH. This gathering includes Paulie, Corey, and Frank with intermittent and informative James moments sprinkled in for tiny bursts of semi-excitement. James spies on the girls and reports back to the bros. One juicy info bit he gets is that Tiffany told Nicole she’s in “two alliances” and this of course gets the mental wheels circling among the bros.
July 4th is Bridgette’s first baking-free day and involves a fifteen-plus hour braiding session for Da’vonne. Seriously, Mama Day re-braids her hair piece-by-piece for hour after hour all day long, “Girl, the struggle is eternal,” she says to Zak while waiting patiently for the Fourth of July party. It’s a patience game day for the Have-Nots in every way because they gotta wait for the party in order to avoid eating another plate of slop. But the real story of July 4th Big Brother is that everyone’s off in their own world in a way and subsequently coming to the wrong conclusions… maybe it was all that Independence Day sangria going to their heads.

Frank demands the next HOH
During the non-James HOH talks Frank seems to be running the show. He insists that all the other 8Pack members have to throw the next HOH competition so their team members can’t win and Frank can be HOH next. Also, he talks about how Tiffany’s unpopular among the houseguests because she’s “taking pages out of her sister’s playbook too much” and “nobody likes Bronte anyway”.
As Frank talks Paulie interjects with nodding and keeps saying, “We gotta nip that in the bud,” but it sounds a lot like, “… nip that in the butt,” instead. Even if he’s actually saying that cliché right, Paulie’s got the rest of his July 4th strategizing quite wrong. He makes a classic Big Brother error and lists off other houseguests saying he can’t imagine any of them will be able to win HOH. This is typical HOHitis where the POWER role goes to the head of the “temporary king” and they thus underestimate the abilities of their competition. Paulie “can’t imagine Paul or Bronte winning HOH,” but we sure can. In fact, we predict it’ll happen soon.

HOHitis hits hottie Paulie
The resonant and eternal theme of Big Brother is “expect the unexpected” and the show runners are highly cognizant of the fact that different players in the cage match have different abilities. They vary the competitions for this very reason. But as wrong as he is about future HOHs, Paulie makes us laugh a lot tonight. At one point he says he thinks British accents are called “victorian” because of Victoria Beckham. Then later when talking to Zakiyah, Paulie asks if she has any Asian, German or Italian in her… with the followup question, “Do you WANT some in you?” Hahahahaha. That’s entertainment, folks.
There was also loads of intriguing groupchat in the bathroom that shifted from girl talk to “relationship talk” when Paul and Paulie joined in with the ladies. The funniest moment is captured in this picture. The ladies were all talking about stuff guys do that’s TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE and Natalie mentions, “when a guy likes another girl’s picture on Instagram” and everybody laughs out loud. This was just before Mama Day finally finished her day of infinite braiding.

Jokin’ bout relationships
Tune in tomorrow for more BB feed updates as well as checking out our tweets @RuiningBB18. We live and love to ruin Big Brother for you one day at a time.
– Katherine Recap