Posted by Katherine Recap | "Reality" Competition, Hollywood, TV

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Victor, Bronte
Roadkill Comp Winner – Victor
RK Nominated – Tiffany
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea
Battle Back challenge – Glenn vs. Jozea

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte

July 5th was a whisperfest spectacular in the Big Brother house with Frank the major player both on the tongues of others and chattin’ it up himself. They say loose lips sink ships which may or may not be true but one thing’s for certain, they sure do kick BB houseguest butts right outta that house.


You mean there’s 8 not 9?

It started in the afternoon when Frank told Paulie about the 8Pack alliance, of which he’s (notably) not a member. Corey’s in the room during this chat so then Frank proceeds to tell them this trio is “the core,” though the core of what, exactly is unclear. This talk doesn’t earn Paulie’s trust, it turns out. He’s onto the fact that Frank’s goin’ around the Big Brother house making numerous deals to take various people to the end. At one point after this in HOH Zakiyah and Paulie wait for Frank to leave so they can talk. Once he does, it becomes clear that Paulie’s Mr. Observant while Zak plays the trustworthy non-talker. Paulie sees cracks forming in the 8Pack since Frank and Tiffany openly want each other gone. It can’t be a strong alliance if two members are already at each other’s throats – he points out. This is why Paulie isn’t really upset about the 8Pack and seems to truly trust Zak. She even tells Paulie at one point in this convo that Frank told her not to trust him. Their bond gets better.


Observant Paulie trusts Zak the non-talker

At the same time Corey schemes with Nicole on the hammock about Frank and Tiff. He’s overconfident about being able to win HOHs and Nicole warns him that he doesn’t have as much control in the game as he might think. At the same time she says they can’t throw competitions like Frank wants them to and Corey agrees with that. They both are suspicious of Frank’s close ties with Michelle and Bridgette, especially given how Frank keeps saying Michelle would be a perfect next HOH.


Paul flies his feelings flags at all times

Meanwhile Paul crumbles from “tough guy” character to “Mr. Clean” talking incessantly about how lonely he feels and how he can’t lie and cheat for the sake of the game. He makes the rounds throughout the house repeating this on a loop with each and every houseguest, even Tiffany. It’s an amusing shift, Paul says, how he came into the house raging hardcore with a “F*** you!” for everyone and now he’s emotionally vulnerable and open, like a wound walking around. Hilarious, in fact.

Speaking of Tiff, Da’vonne decided to go ahead and tell her that Frank’s after her – though not this week – and that she’s gotta watch her back. They have a hammock heart-to-heart in which feelings fly and Mama Day makes it clear that Tiffany has to keep her shit together if she wants to stay “in the loop”. At one point Day tells Tiffany, “I just graduated from paranoia school myself,” during their convo. Day’s endearing as well as hysterically funny. So, the two of them bond as well and the BB house continues to whirl with anti-Frank sentiments for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Even when Frank’s around or instigating the conversations, he’s not gaining trust with anyone, 8Pack or otherwise, today.


Mama Day tells Tffany what’s up

Corey, too seems to be losing allies via his loose lips. In a talk with Frank and Nicole he mentions how “we gotta get rid of the girls first because they’re emotional and unpredictable,” ummmmm, you know Nicole’s got lady parts and she’s sittin’ next to you – right Corey? Either way the house is abrewin’ with a suspicious stew. So, although this week seems like an easy breezy eviction with Victor certain to go, next week looks like it’s gonna be the BB house will look more like beatdown town. The 8Pack is settin’ to burst into flames any minute but we bet it merely smolders until the next HOH sits upon their throne. We’re kinda hopin’ the next HOH goes to Tiffany or Paul because, sure, we like sparks but flames are even more fun.


Nicole’s got suspicious eyes… and ears

– Katherine Recap


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