There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.
One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.
Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror…
Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Victor, Bronte
Roadkill Comp Winner – Victor
RK Nominated – Tiffany
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea
Battle Back challenge – Glenn vs. Jozea
22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother
Have-Nots – Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte
The show initially focuses on Tiffany freaking out after her Roadkill nomination. They show her fight with Frank and the fun ferocious aftermath. Then Paul explains in the Diary Room that he drops his ties with Victor because he feels betrayed when info he told Victor in confidence gets back to him via Paulie. This was something we really didn’t see on the feeds. In fact, most of us just thought Paul was trying to save himself and that was it. The show gave us this info because when it’s time for Paul to pick a player for the veto Victor is surprised that he picks Zakiyah rather than him. It screws with Victor’s game a little. because now he can’t possibly save Paul or ensure his own safety. When Victor asks him about it, Paul plays dumb as if he doesn’t understand that winning Veto would have kept Victor safe. At the same time Paul makes it clear in the DR that he’s not as fooled by condescending Frank as he pretends to be. This is great for us to find out and without Paul’s Diary Room sessions we wouldn’t know it.
For the Veto competition there’s a toe theme, “The Tozarks” and a spelling challenge. Each letter houseguests have to dig out of toe fungus has a point value (all betw 1-3) so the more letters you can fit into a word the more points you get. So, the real goal is to create a nice long word. Paulie says he’s a “fan of spelling” in the Diary Room and it shows. He locks in his big ol’ word in good time. Paul’s word “slouched” is worth nine points. Tiffany’s is “twinkling,” worth ten points. Mama Day’s word is “redemption” but it’s only worth nine points. Zak’s “duration” is worth six points and Bronte spelled “powerful” worth ten points thus tying with Tiffany. But because Bronte rang in first, she’s now in the lead over Tiff. Lastly, we learn that Paulie’s word is “sustainability” also worth ten points but because he locked in his word before Bronte, he wins the Golden Power of Veto. The guy’s all powerful.
At the end of the July 6th TV show we see the Veto ceremony where Paulie takes Paul off the block. It’s clear he does it because he thinks Paul picking Zakiyah over Victor to play Veto with him was a “sign of loyalty”. In fact, it was more than that, we now know. The Veto ceremony gives us the opportunity to hear the speeches we missed watching the feeds. Tiff’s was short and sweet, as was Bronte’s whereas Paul meditated a bit on the “power of friendship”. He then chuckles to himself when Paulie pulls him off the block mumbling about the “power of friendship” as if the speech is why he’s now safe for the week. Meanwhile his buddy, Victor, goes up on the block and seems truly destined to go home tomorrow night on Thursday’s live show.
The July 6th feeds were like a game of Duck, Duck, Goose with mad whispering all around in circles. The topics ranged from one alleged showmance to the next and various alliances as well. The main point made about showmances involved Day and Tiff agreeing that as long as Zak and Nic were semi-coupled with Paulie and Corey, they can’t be 100% trusted. Bridgette and Bronte also talk openly with Natalie about her connection with James a bit. They say they’ll always help Natalie over James if they went up on the block together. It’s a sweet showmance, watching Natalie and James because they do seem to just genuinely like each other. On the other hand, when Nicole says things like, “Sometimes I just don’t even hear what Corey’s saying because he’s so handsome,” we can imagine Nic’s mother watching and shaking her head (we picture her wearing a giant cheese-cube hat) to see Nic making the same damn mistake she made with Hayden. Meanwhile Zak and Paulie have a strong trust developing but it’s not clear if they’ll choose their other alliances over each other or not.
One thing that rarely came up in the zillions of July 6th whisperings was Victor’s imminent demise. There was only a tiny two second talk (between James and Day) about whether or not it would be a unanimous vote to evict him. Tiffany isn’t worried anymore about Thursday’s eviction but she IS set to win the HOH competition to follow and we’re rooting for her. Tiff in the power role means the house stands to be in major upset mode with all laser eyes zeroed-in on Frank. He’s a fun houseguest under pressure too because he knows how to win competitions and finagle friendships like a pro. This weekend’s gonna be a blast!
Check out our tweets @RuiningBB18 and come back daily to for our feeds and TV show ruination. We’re happy to find that this year’s Big Brother is as crazy and fun as ever!
– Katherine Recap