Posted by Katherine Recap | "Reality" Competition, Hollywood, TV

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – TBD
Roadkill Comp Winner – TBD
RK Nominated – TBD
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte

The TV show misled us initially to make it seem like there was even a smidge of a chance the house might evict Tiffany on July 7th – there isn’t. One thing the beginning did get right, though, is Victor’s unrealistic and unfounded confidence. After this quick setup, the show revolves around Frank’s multitudinous shenanigans this week, starting with how he out-of-the-blue tells Paulie about the 8Pack.


Paul’s heartfelt farewell to Victor

Then we see the live eviction speeches and voting. Victor gave a weird stilted voice speech that set our teeth a bit on edge while Bronte and Tiffany gave typical I-know-I’m-safe speeches. Next Victor was evicted by a vote of 9-1. Although Paul was the one vote (against Bronte) he refuses to admit it later in the house discussions of the evening. It’s an interesting wild card that may or may not come up later. A smart seed to plant because Paul’s close to Bronte and thus could raise questions of loyalty among the others. Of course, it could also be forgotten but this is BB and that rarely happens. We’ll give you Example A of this below in the freak-out aftermath of the HOH competition.


“… may just end up Roadkill himself.”

In his exit interview with Julie, Victor says he kind of knew and felt like “a sitting duck” in the house. He felt like he did his best but we disagree. If he wanted to see an example of “doing his best” Victor could have watched Paul workin’ it. Julie suggests that Vic’s biggest problem might have been his big mouth and not keeping any secrets, including his Roadkill win. Victor responds that he thought his honesty would help him stay and was happy he kept his integrity intact. So, Victor’s not a Big Brother fan if he thinks this and thus doesn’t really belong in that house in our opinion… no matter how buff he may be.


Kiss My Ace – HOH Competition

Next we see the HOH competition. It’s called “Kiss My Ace,” a tennis-themed game that’s a lot like roulette. The challenge is between Paul and Bridgette at the final stage and then Bridgette wins it (LUCK) making all of Category4 safe for the week. This means nobody can nominate Frank this week and it turned out exactly as he wanted. We haven’t mentioned Bridgette much in our “Ruining BB18” posts (other than her baking) and there’s a reason for that. Bridgette can be summed up pretty well by what she said during the very first challenge on this season of Big Brother. The newly formed teams were all precariously balanced upon their respective rockets when Bridgette called out, “Follow your heart!” to cheer them on. Um, OK. Bridgette’s cheerful and positive, yes. But there’s no denying that she’s also a bit off. At least she meets our definition of it, head on. She’s all surface and shine but what’s goin’ on inside?

These types of shifts in the game are exactly what make Big Brother a thrill to watch, especially the feeds because the aftermath of this HOH was an all night scramble cage match. Before HOH house majority was gunning for Frank. One of the noteworthy issues in this Bridgette-as-HOH backlash was the Element A we mentioned earlier in this post. The Roadkill competition plants an intrinsic seed of doubt into the house each week because (presumably) the winner remains anonymous and thus nominates someone without fault. Everybody not in the winner’s loop then wonders who it was. Michelle brings this up while discussing Frank’s shenanigans and close ties to Bridgette. “What if we told Bridgette it was Frank who put her up via the Roadkill?” she asks Nicole. This wildcard could definitely help them in the future, if they choose to use it against Frank and establish some trust with Bridgette.


Corey and Paulie Comfort Day

Given how things went on the night of July 7th, with Frank grabbin’ ass and taking flack (as he should) this strategy may come into play sooner rather than later. Turns out Frank hasn’t just been upsetting peeps with incessant whispering, farting, and striking deals. The guy can’t keep his hands to himself. Flashback to camera four at 1:27 AM on July 8th to see/hear for yourself. He smacks Mama Day on the butt AGAIN when she’d asked him to stop several times before. Corey and Paulie rush to comfort Day but Frank says, “It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve been joking around,” as if she was somehow complicit. Oh no, you didn’t. Frank acts like Mr. Innocent as if he can’t imagine why a grown woman would mind having her ass smacked in this way. This pisses off James and makes us love him – how he stands up for Mama Day’s honor. A real man in our midst! We love it! The drama and chills are guaranteed to continue. Stay tuned to for all the daily feeds action and check out our twitter @RuiningBB18.

– Katherine Recap


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