Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Victor
HOH Nominated – TBD
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor #11 Michelle
Battle Back Winner – Victor & Victor (again)
Return Ticket Holder – Paul
Have-Nots – TBD
Have-Not Supplement – TBD

Clueless in captivity
The September 1st Big Brother live TV show started off with a fizzle but soon sparked into an emotional boom. At first, the show focused on Corey’s BB bribe by attempting to inflate the paranoia James aroused when he propositioned Corey to give it to him. But, as we know, this was much ado about nada and Corey did the expected move, bribing Victor to do what he was going to do anyway (evict Michelle) as a gesture of goodwill among alliance members. It just so happens that five thousand dollars is our favorite friendship token and now it’s probably Victor’s too. Meanwhile Meech, nat and James are completely clueless about what’s going on. Yawn. They remain utterly clueless in captivity.

Victor’s parents send their love
The banality of this opening segment shifts into a higher gear soon, though when the houseguests each get a video greeting from their families. Victor and Paul both collapse into sobs and it’s pretty darn terrific to see how cool, warm. and loving the families all are to their beloved Big Brother contestants. Victor’s family especially gets a nice long segment where they show lots of Victor-growing-up photos. His parents are lovely and sweet in all their pride. It just makes us adore Victor all the more to see how he completely loses himself in tears upon seeing his parents. He’s smart, cooks and cleans, works out, gorgeous, and hottie’s sensitive too!

Meech calls out Nic on her way out
In the live eviction that follows Meech gets feisty, especially when Nicole ends up breaking the tie votes to evict her. Michelle declares that they all have to get Nicole out of the house because she’s “gonna float her way to the final two,” which may be true but it doesn’t exactly make Nic regret voting her out. Speaking of floating, Meech steals Paul’s floaty, Pablo, on her way out and then threw him into the audience. In his goodbye message to Meech, James says if she’s been evicted then he was blindsided and that gets the #SadMeech waterworks flowing. Yes, the level of cluelessness James has come to perpetrate in the house this season wreaks havoc upon many of the houseguests’ games, including his own.

Foxy Natalie in the HOH comp
It’s another classic Big Brother HOH competition after this with the chicken wire coop egg challenge. It’s called “Poached Eggs” and the houseguests wear fox ears as they steal eggs from chicken coops and then roll them down chutes to knock over the letters H.O.H. It comes as no surprise when our hero, Victor wins the HOH yet again. It only takes about two hours after the TV show ends (and the challenge began) to finally accomplish this arduous task. Looks like Victor will nominate James and Natalie, who will finally not be surprised by what’s actually going on in the house but it’s too darn late to do anything about it. We’ll admit it, we’re mostly sad for Natalie in this case.
– Katherine Recap