Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Corey
HOH Nominated – Victor and Paul
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor #11 Michelle #12 Natalie

Paul relaxes before the betrayal
Calm before the storm rules the house on the AM Big Brother feeds September 9th. Nicole and Corey whisper and plot; nervous in the kitchen because they know their big betrayal lies ahead. It’s only a matter of hours before Corey nominates the other half of the Final Four alliance and thus throws shit directly into the whirling fan before them. In the meantime, Paul takes a luxurious bubble bath and listens to Taylor Swift (at the insistence of Corey – TSwift superfan) to soothe his legs from the butter HOH competition. This guy’s unaccustomed to extreme physical exertion… and falling on his ass a zillion times. Then, finally after waiting on eggshells all day and feeds down for the nomination ceremony; the Final Four attack comes to fruition at six o’clock.

Nervous Nellies after Nominations
Victor whizzes around the house cleaning in an angry frenzy – a BB brand Count of Monte Cristo. “Hope you win the veto because we are no longer amigo,” he sings. Paul stays chill while Victor stays PISSED. They’re a well-balanced pair and it pays off when Vaul eventually talk to Nicorey a bit later in the evening. Victor remains fearless and says he’s coming after them if he stays. Nicole shakes in her boots, baby! Paul seeks damage control first thing but we can tell there’s a big part of him that loves this side of Victor and standing aside the comp-beast. Who can blame him? At one point they discuss James and Victor says, “Laying low isn’t something to brag about,” while the feedsters watching are all shouting YOU SAID IT, SIR!

Betrayed Bros clean and pace in tandem
Victor says, “They were right about one thing, anybody sitting next to one of us in final two is FUCKED,” and he’s right on the money – literally in this case, $500K worth. Victor stress cleans and Paul paces as they discuss their options going forward. Blood boiling and balls to the wall, they just gotta keep playing the game hard. Surprise surprise. We love that these two never stopped playing the damn game. That’s why nobody wants to sit next to them in final two. You gotta fight to win. Paul and Victor wore targets on their backs the entire game and here they are at the end of it, still fighting.

Awkward aftermath
Paul downgrades James too; more about how he probably negotiated with Nicorey to score this deal. But then Victor points out that James has to stay alive now while alone in the game meanwhile Corey and Nicole had all the power and still took the easy route. They’d promised to stay loyal to the Final Four and wrecking-balled it instead while Victor and Paul stayed loyal. Corey tries to play off like he did them a solid when he didn’t nominate them during the double eviction but Victor quickly replies, “I’ve been HOH three times since then!” and he didn’t put them up on the block… In fact, Nicole has never been on the block. You can bet your sweet ass, though, that if Victor or Paul win veto and the next HOH she’ll sit on the block – a veteran princess.
This week’s on a different schedule, so stay tuned to Fetchland.com for all the latest and greatest. Rather than Wednesday and Thursday, the show nights are Tuesday and Wednesday, so everything runs on a slightly faster pace. This gets the houseguests more excited and us too. One thing’s for certain, it’s going to be a hardcore battle and we can’t wait to watch!
– Katherine Recap