There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:

HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Paul
Roadkill Comp Winner – Frank
RK Nominated – Bronte
Veto Winner – Bridgette
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte

The Veto competition player pick resulted with Natalie and Paulie joining Bridgette and the three nominees to play in the challenge. Because of the feeds, we already know Bridgette wins the Veto but it’s fun watching the houseguests scramble before the comp even begins; worrying about what might happen and what they’ll do based on possible results.


Bronte amplifies Tiffany’s failure

It’s a recipe competition involving ingredients and sequences with memory playing an important role. The fun part is that when they fail the bowls they mix their ingredients in explode in their face, covering them in colorful glitter. It’s particularly funny when Paulie explains how he’s going to do better than his brother did in this same competition just seconds before his bowl blows up in his face. When Tiffany loses, Frank, James, and Corey are a bit excessive in their celebration as can be seen in our featured photo this week. Speaking of excessive celebrations, Frank crushes Bridgette’s ankle during their cheering and she ends up on crutches, smiling. Then Bronte tells the, utterly defeated, Tiffany that she “did so well,” and “nice job,” because Bronte apparently mistook all those math classes for social skills lessons.


She’s talking about Frank… before thanking him

Next we see Frank telling Bridgette he won the Roadkill this week and the first one too. You know, the one where he put HER up for eviction. She then reaches the pinnacle of Bridgette weirdness when she thanks him for putting her up. She’s creepy AF right after too when she says, “Frank really knows best,” as if this is some kind of fifties family TV show – black, white and perfectly ominous. Then we see the Veto ceremony in which Bridgette doesn’t use the Veto. Paul makes a funny comment about the results in the Diary Room saying that, “Like most antibacterial soaps, he’s 99.9%” sure he’s staying in the house this week. And for once, a Big Brother houseguest is correct about that.


Don’t tell a soul… until 3 minutes have passed

Meanwhile on the feeds things have been back and forth all week with the cage affecting the players a bit more every day. They’re climbing those walls in multitudinous emotional ways. Tiffany rarely leaves the bed and then when she does gets shunned at every turn. Still, even with her absence duly noted in every conversation, the tide turned in her favor anyway. After many many waffles, enough to cause a gluten catastrophe, finally, on July 13th at 10PM, a team of Keep Tiffany formed, with a seeming certainty to vote out Bronte. Composed of Zakiyah, Paulie, Corey, Michelle, and Nicole; the team talked and talked and talked and decided to tell NOBODY. They were so sure of it they said so many times before repeating it a few more. 100%. In fact, they seemed so certain that they actually TOLD Tiffany about it right after agreeing not to tell anybody. It’s a typical BB mind-fuck that’s often used to cement an alliance member into your clutches. See how loyal we are? See how transparent? We’re telling you everything when we could have said nothing. So, even though half of the “everything” is that not too long ago we were evicting you, just focus on the other half. OK?

Check back with us tomorrow for a full report on the live eviction and feeds from July 14th and our twitter @RuiningBB18.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:

HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Paul
Roadkill Comp Winner – Frank
RK Nominated – Bronte
Veto Winner – Bridgette
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte


Deciding to keep Tiffany and oust Bronte

Big Brother house or Waffle House? July 12th feeds raise this question high to the sky because these houseguests have officially moved into waffle city. Everybody is up each other’s butts with whispers and plans while shifting back and forth between tactical choices. Most of the plans involved changing the vote to send out Bronte rather than Tiff and then they evolved into taking out Frank next week.

After a swift resolution among Nicole, Michelle, Mama Day, James, and Zakiyah to get Bronte out and keep Tiffany this week, Paulie poo pooed the whole deal. He quickly convinced Zakiyah applying his sensual magic superpowers in a hammock chat. Then, much more slowly and carefully, he shifted the others back to evicting Tiffany with a long talk on the fake grass. So, after all this backyard discussion, the houseguests shifted gears back to evicting Tiffany. It helped when Paul came out to join them and they were forced to change the conversation anyway. Not only is Paul “on the block” this week but Bronte is “his girl” so any talk about ousting her has to end when he comes around. Thus the convo changes  to the topic of getting Frank out and all the potential scenarios for doing it. Paul has established a new habit of referring to himself as “your boy” which is a nice little trick that makes them feel like he’s on their side. It’s kind of simple and obvious but seems to be working too.


The BIG backyard convo – led by Paulie

Confusion reigned all night long because alliances crumbled like chips on game day as character loyalties flipped with each conversation. The Mayor of Waffle City prize probably goes to Paul who has basically every iteration of alliances convinced he’s their willing pawn. There was a hilarious conversation in the London room that began with Day/Corey/Nicole/Michelle at around 3:30AM Big Brother time and was still rolling full blast, with Paul and James now included, after five AM. The main focus of the convo circled around the question: How do we get Frank out pre-jury? The bonus being a Bridgette/Better Crocker eviction.


Michelle confronts “your boy” Paul

At one point “your boy” Paul joins them to talk a big game about how he’d nominate Frank if he won HOH and gives great speech for what he’d say to Frank = TV gold and getting everybody excited. James played the voice of reason role at times, giving examples of how you never know what might happen from his previous season. He says the least risky route is the backdoor plan but they never really land on a plan because, after all, it’s pointless. Who knows what’ll actually happen next week? If any of them did they’d be buying a PowerBall ticket, not sitting in a cage with twelve strangers they can’t stand. There are so many houseguests it makes for countless potential scenarios but they’ll try to consider all of them anyway. All the while Michelle keeps the laughs coming with cute quips.


Mama Day muttering “stupid, stupid people”

In the end at around five or six AM Paul tells Bronte that the info he’s told her is getting back to James via Natalie. Bronte immediately tells Natalie this and then when Paul sees them whispering frantically  in the bathroom they tell him it’s because Natalie got her period. He jokes around with them to try to ease the tension and then reports back to Corey, Nicole and Day that they weren’t freaking about anything game-related. At the same time James talks to Bridgette which Da’vonne sees as she walks by, Day tells the others she saw this and assumes he’s collecting information and the circle goes round and round an the painted ponies go up and down. This was the tenor of the night and even the early morning on and on and on.

In the end pretty much everybody ended up with a smear on their character; some more innocuous than others. Of all of them, Michelle probably ended up with the fewest scars. Her worst crime was when Paul entered the London room during the BIG conversation and she confronted him outright in front of everyone about one of the things they were wondering if he did (telling Bronte something). Others took a lot more heat, whether they knew it or not. Nicole got busted for being in on Frank’s plan to backdoor Mama Day, Paul and James were called out for giving too much info to their “showmances,” Natalie and Bronte. Bridgette and Frank both got slammed continuously for their HOHitis and subsequent master-of-the-house attitudes. But the biggest overall conclusion seems to be that all the showmances are “on blast” as they like to say in the BB House. The only houseguests not paired up in any way (Frank and Bridgette are an honorary showmance BTW) are Mama Day, Tiffany, and Michelle. So, arrows were flying at all the duos and defenses were raised.


An eternal strategic chat as dawn breaks

After all the early morning strategizing, Paul made bacon breakfast, like the home-maker extraordinaire he’s recently become, filling the fractured Big Brother house with the smells of a happy, functional homestead. Yes, folks, it’s that easy to make it all better the morning after a long night of gossip, strategy, and slander.

Quote of the day:

Paul: When you guys see my DR sessions you’re all going to effin’ be in tears.

Michelle: I’m glad… somebody’s gonna have to make up for mine. They’re terrible.

Make sure to visit for our next daily report tomorrow. Our tweets continue twittering too @RuiningBB18.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Paul
Roadkill Comp Winner – Frank
RK Nominated – Bronte
Veto Winner – Bridgette
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte

Big- Brother-18

Bikes call out to be ridden by beautiful bods

In the Big Brother house of July 11th the houseguests awakened much earlier than on the 10th, mainly just to sunbathe and whisper once the Veto ceremony ended. Bridgette left things as they were with her POV: Power of Veto and thus, the whispering proceeded from there. Mainly people muttered about either getting Frank out of the house or how much it blows to be a Have-Not, especially when it’s somebody’s birthday.


Corey – calorie deprived with a bumper car bed

Corey can’t sleep much in the bumper car beds and subsisting primarily on peanuts or popcorn, even all day, isn’t quite enough calories for the six foot six dynamo. He sat out in the sun with the others. We could tell, though, that Corey wasn’t feelin’ it no matter how good he looked doin’ it. Still, all we can think is that Corey promised us sleepwalking in his pre-show interview and the guy has been utterly disappointing on this front. Granted, Nicole peeing her pants was pretty darn entertaining, but Corey sleepwalking just brings up soooooo many enticing late-night feed possibilities. Alas, if the stress of bumper car beds aren’t bringing it on, probably nothing will. Meanwhile in the realm of the utterly predictable, Michelle sustained her 900th sunburn. We recommend sunscreen, next time, girl. Just a suggestion.


Frank gives condescending advice to Paul

In other news, Frank pissed off yet another houseguest after the Veto ceremony when he chatted with Paul about the potential aftermath for the house. Because Frank’s currently embracing the omniscient mindset, he decided to advise Paul that his frequent references to “friendship” could get him evicted. Of course, this pissed off Paul, who’s been getting the opposite vibe from everyone in the house. He seeks post-Frank solace in a conversation with Bronte where he gives her lots of solid advice that we hope she at least considers. The way they interact feels a lot like a showmance but it’s a challenge to know what’s really going on between them. The only thing we know for certain is that Paul definitely touched her side boob. Yes, that’s the news thus far this summer on BB boob patrol.

ZakiyahFun was had by several (Have-Nots had none) later when the houseguests celebrated Zakiyah’s birthday. Michelle and Nicole made a delightful cake for her. Even though they crankily ignored Frank’s all-knowing advice about cake-baking, it somehow still turned out great anyway. Miracles happen every day in the Big Brother house! A funny moment of tension arose when Nicole nearly ingested some frosting with an absent minded finger-lick but all was not lost for her Have-Not status when she spit it out. Stay strong, sister!  Meanwhile Natalie and James stayed super flirty and close, even giving Bronte advice (eerily similar to Paul’s, actually) like parents talking to an incessantly exercising baby who’s wearing full-blown workout regalia. We’re excited to see what happens on July 12th in the Big Brother house because it feels like a breeze of game change is due to hit these houseguests. Do we smell a whiff of keeping Tiff on the incoming winds? She certainly wants to get rid of Frank just like the rest of them… Only tomorrow will tell.

Stay tuned to for daily BB ruination updates as well as our Twitter @RuiningBB18. If you watch the feeds and need a quick way to get wasted just do a shot every time someone in the house mentions how much they want to oust Frank.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Paul
Roadkill Comp Winner – Frank
RK Nominated – Bronte
Veto Winner – Bridgette
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte


How can you listen? … Too dreamy

On the TV episode showmances blossomed and the Roadkill comp was clarified for us. Butt first… we saw Bridgette make her nominations after claiming to have “never expected this” even after obviously trying and then winning HOH.

The show gave some time to the Mama Day and Frank situation as far as his insensitivity and her reaction. Luckily the show handled it well and gave her a chance to talk a bit. Their portrayal was pretty fair in giving his perspective that they were just “fooling around” and then realizing that he was the only one having fun. He apologized.


Frank apologizes to Mama Day

There’s a reason why we have a need in our culture for “sensitivity training” and it would be a positive result overall if Frank’s behavior and the consequences (they want him OUT of the house) help highlight that need in every day life a bit more for people in general.


Frank wins Roadkill… again

We see Bridgette nominate Paul and Tiffany as well as the subsequent eyerolls from each of them. The show also devotes time to the Corey/Nicole and Natalie/James showmance situations. Then it’s time for the Roadkill competition. It’s a horn blowin’ challenge called “Horn Star” with a sequence of horns to remember and copy the pattern within a time limit – much like the game Simon. As we already know, Frank wins the competition and nominates Bronte. When he tells the 8Pack their main conclusion after he leaves the room is that Frank’s dangerous and they should get him out. It isn’t likely Frank has a clue that their minds are shifting in this way.


Telling Paul about the “Frank Out Plan”

Feeds-wise the houseguests didn’t even awaken until nearly three thirty in the afternoon on July 10th and even then, reluctantly. Their maximum comfort level has thus been achieved at this point. They feel at home. By four in the afternoon Paulie and Corey were confiding in Paul that they want Frank out soon because he’s wheeling and dealing all over the house. James walks in during the convo to join in the head-nodding. So, the news continues to spread. Meanwhile, in other news, Frank tells Bridgette about how he won the first Roadkill and put her up. So, now the 8Pack don’t have that blackmail bit of info in their back pocket anymore. It’s a bummer for them. In fact, not only does Bridgette already know, for some insane reason she even THANKED him for doing it. We may never figure that Bridgette out…

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Paul
Roadkill Comp Winner – Frank
RK Nominated – Bronte
Veto Winner – Bridgette
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte


Post Veto Paulie

The Veto was a glittery spectacular extravaganza in which Bridgette won but also, unfortunately, smashed her ankle and ended up on crutches. Although Mama Day played a significant role in the Veto competition, as the hostess with the mostest, we didn’t get to see much of her afterward.


Nicole checks her pee pants

Still, it was a fun night overall in the Big Brother house. Because of some behind-the-scene sightings in a mirror (or something) some of the sillier houseguests started talking “ghosts” and getting themselves tense and jittery with half-pretend fear of being haunted. This, of course, inspired the pranksters and Nicole peed her pants while playing silly tricks on scaredycats with Paul and James. In the aftermath Paulie “puts his mom on blast” saying she does this peeing in pants thing “on the reg” and they all have fun chatting in the bathroom while Nicole showers the pee of herself.


Natalie and James flirtfest

After making a “date” using the HOH and London room phones, Natalie and James have a cute, whispery convo side by side. They talk about Frank’s machinations and how the whole house has “coupled up” naming all the pairs and not even realizing how ironic they’re being.

Have-Nots received popcorn and peanuts as their special supplemental foods this week. It could appear to some that this is the year of coddling the houseguests when it comes to calories. However, the bedding situation as HGs isn’t as comfy-time friendlypants since they’re sleeping in bumper cars. So, no complaints from Fetchland on this season’s production.

Meanwhile Paul’s playing a masterful game for a newbie. When confronted head-on by Paulie and Frank about being that one vote for Bronte in the Victor eviction, he denies it yet again. He’s planted a juicy seed of suspicion that gets Paulie and Frank assuming it was Michelle and thus puts her game in jeopardy. They talk about getting her out immediately after Paul leaves the room. Later Paul says he needs to check on his muffins and then comments that he’d never have thought he’d hear himself say such a thing. Things like this are what make him such a fun character in the house. Sometimes people come in planning on letting one aspect of their personality shine but the BB house brings out surprising (and sometimes even formerly dormant) aspects of houseguests.


Frank goes on and on

Frank continued to strategize and annoy, even getting on his #1 fan, Bridgette’s nerves with all the endless game talk. Blah blah freakin’ blah. Enough already. The guy genuinely believes he’s running the show and, especially this early on, that pretty much spells disaster. We’re barely a third of the way into the summer, bro! Unclench a bit. Take a page out of Paul’s book and bake a little. That guy’s game on fleek.

Quote of the day

Talking to Frank and Paulie to determine if he’s OK this week being on the block, Paul says “So, I should just hang out, bake muffins, and shit?”

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – Tiffany, Paul
Roadkill Comp Winner – Frank
RK Nominated – Bronte
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte

July 8th brought the Roadkill competition as well as the divulgence of many secrets among Power Puff girly spies. Frank wins the Roadkill and nominates Bronte. After this “secret” nomination, Bronte continues her lecture series on Girl Power about how they have the numbers and that’s all she really cares about in this house and girls! girls! girls! etc. Luckily for her, it looks like Tiffany might go this week and not her. But the Spy Girl plan to get Paul out isn’t looking likely at this juncture. That guy’s spreading “friendship” like a California wildfire.

At the same time, Paul continues to deny that he voted Bronte out, so he’s the ONLY one truly keeping secrets totally to himself. Frank does keep his Roadkill win a secret from everyone but the 8Pack and (we know for sure) there are growing cracks in that Pack. After Frank put Bronte up on the block he plays a weird mind-game with Bridgette pretending not to know who won the Roadkill. She starts to doubt him as a result, evident in her later convo with Natalie where they discuss getting him out soon. It’s a deep Power Puff girl brand conversation in which they divulge secrets to each other (Bronte opened the secret floodgates earlier telling them she’s a mathematician) namely Natalie’s NFL cheerleader background and Bridgette’s doctor boyfriend. But the best part was when Natalie mentioned that she “loves James,” which we loved hearing.


Power Puff Secrets Divulged

Speaking of Natalie and James, they had a cute-ass phone call using the HOH and the London room telephones. During it they played that game where one of them (James) tells a secret but without actually technically saying anything. Thus, Natalie knows that Frank won Roadkill and was responsible for nominating Bronte. Natalie tries to warn Bridgette to watch out for Frank as a result. A refreshing part of this whole divulgence is when Bridgette admits that she can’t read people and needs Natalie’s help. It’s admirable that she’s so willing to accept her limitations and ask for help from a friend – refreshing in a house that’s usually teeming with macho bravado. Power Puff Girls high five!

Speaking of which, in the bathroom at around the same time, Paulie, Nicole, and Michelle discuss telling Bridgette how Frank was the Roadkill winner who put her up on the block. They’re including it in their future strategy in case Natalie or Bronte win the next HOH. So, they can still try to get Frank out no matter who wins it.

Meanwhile in our alleged “real world” outside the Big Brother house, Julie Chen did an interview for Entertainment Weekly in which she gave some familiar opinions about what’s been going on in the BB house this season. Click here to read: Julie Chen’s interview. The most significant comment she makes is that “these newbies aren’t sharp,” and we gotta agree with her. On the bright side, we love them anyway. There’s something lovely about each of these houseguests.

Here’s our latest pro-opinions of the current houseguests:

Bridgette: She says the funniest random stuff and (as we pointed out in this post) seems ultra-aware of her weaknesses.

Frank: Funny and friendly he’s here to stir the pot and play the game HARD. This keeps Big Brother interesting to watch.

Paul: Chill and kinda resigned now, he’s shifted from rock n’roll Rambo to a teddy bear with friendly banter getting baking lessons on the regular.


Tiffany’s awkward effect on a room

Tiffany: Her weirdness keeps peeps on their toes. An entire room of spines straighten upon her entry and they all creep toe-by-toe slowly away from her. Meanwhile Tiff’s just like tra la la la la.

Zakiyah: She’s beautiful and great at keeping her allies close and her mouth closed when it’s smart. Zak’s playing the game under the radar and it’s workin’ for her.

Nicole: The kindest BB player of all time, probably, and down-to-earth too. We love her gorgeous hair, of course, but when this one gets LIVID and says, “Bullcrap!” we just wanna hug it out with her.

Michelle: She loves Big Brother and that’s actually enough for us to love her on its own but Michelle’s also funny and random.

Corey: Of course, his looks certainly help him gain favor along with that sincere effort he made to fit his six foot five bod into a bumper car bed.

Paulie: This hard body babe is smart and sensitive too. One minute Paulie’s teaching Tiff about Neuro Linguistic Programming and the next he’s running after Da’vonne with a comforting hug.

Bronte: The Girl Power lecture series on repeat can get a old at times but it’s also refreshing to imagine a possible positive outcome after many many years of bro BB winners.

Natalie: It makes us happy to see her happy and flirting with James. She’s a hard workin’ self-starter out there IRL, raised by a single mom and a true blue sweetheart with integrity. We appreciate her positive energy too.


Natalie and James

James: Pranks aside, he’s endearing and kind even while genuinely out to win this game. We love his long talks with Natalie and his defense of Mama Day. Stay gold, Pony Boy.

Da’vonne: Yes, we saved our fav for last. She’s got the best facial expressions and the funniest quips in there. We hope she makes it all the way to the end.


During a random conversation about food Paul says, “The sardine business… I mean is it “booming”? I feel like it’s not”.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Bridgette
HOH Nominated – TBD
Roadkill Comp Winner – TBD
RK Nominated – TBD
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor
Battle Back challenge – Glenn, Jozea, Victor

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Freakzoid: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Safe team this week – Category4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Bronte

The TV show misled us initially to make it seem like there was even a smidge of a chance the house might evict Tiffany on July 7th – there isn’t. One thing the beginning did get right, though, is Victor’s unrealistic and unfounded confidence. After this quick setup, the show revolves around Frank’s multitudinous shenanigans this week, starting with how he out-of-the-blue tells Paulie about the 8Pack.


Paul’s heartfelt farewell to Victor

Then we see the live eviction speeches and voting. Victor gave a weird stilted voice speech that set our teeth a bit on edge while Bronte and Tiffany gave typical I-know-I’m-safe speeches. Next Victor was evicted by a vote of 9-1. Although Paul was the one vote (against Bronte) he refuses to admit it later in the house discussions of the evening. It’s an interesting wild card that may or may not come up later. A smart seed to plant because Paul’s close to Bronte and thus could raise questions of loyalty among the others. Of course, it could also be forgotten but this is BB and that rarely happens. We’ll give you Example A of this below in the freak-out aftermath of the HOH competition.


“… may just end up Roadkill himself.”

In his exit interview with Julie, Victor says he kind of knew and felt like “a sitting duck” in the house. He felt like he did his best but we disagree. If he wanted to see an example of “doing his best” Victor could have watched Paul workin’ it. Julie suggests that Vic’s biggest problem might have been his big mouth and not keeping any secrets, including his Roadkill win. Victor responds that he thought his honesty would help him stay and was happy he kept his integrity intact. So, Victor’s not a Big Brother fan if he thinks this and thus doesn’t really belong in that house in our opinion… no matter how buff he may be.


Kiss My Ace – HOH Competition

Next we see the HOH competition. It’s called “Kiss My Ace,” a tennis-themed game that’s a lot like roulette. The challenge is between Paul and Bridgette at the final stage and then Bridgette wins it (LUCK) making all of Category4 safe for the week. This means nobody can nominate Frank this week and it turned out exactly as he wanted. We haven’t mentioned Bridgette much in our “Ruining BB18” posts (other than her baking) and there’s a reason for that. Bridgette can be summed up pretty well by what she said during the very first challenge on this season of Big Brother. The newly formed teams were all precariously balanced upon their respective rockets when Bridgette called out, “Follow your heart!” to cheer them on. Um, OK. Bridgette’s cheerful and positive, yes. But there’s no denying that she’s also a bit off. At least she meets our definition of it, head on. She’s all surface and shine but what’s goin’ on inside?

These types of shifts in the game are exactly what make Big Brother a thrill to watch, especially the feeds because the aftermath of this HOH was an all night scramble cage match. Before HOH house majority was gunning for Frank. One of the noteworthy issues in this Bridgette-as-HOH backlash was the Element A we mentioned earlier in this post. The Roadkill competition plants an intrinsic seed of doubt into the house each week because (presumably) the winner remains anonymous and thus nominates someone without fault. Everybody not in the winner’s loop then wonders who it was. Michelle brings this up while discussing Frank’s shenanigans and close ties to Bridgette. “What if we told Bridgette it was Frank who put her up via the Roadkill?” she asks Nicole. This wildcard could definitely help them in the future, if they choose to use it against Frank and establish some trust with Bridgette.


Corey and Paulie Comfort Day

Given how things went on the night of July 7th, with Frank grabbin’ ass and taking flack (as he should) this strategy may come into play sooner rather than later. Turns out Frank hasn’t just been upsetting peeps with incessant whispering, farting, and striking deals. The guy can’t keep his hands to himself. Flashback to camera four at 1:27 AM on July 8th to see/hear for yourself. He smacks Mama Day on the butt AGAIN when she’d asked him to stop several times before. Corey and Paulie rush to comfort Day but Frank says, “It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve been joking around,” as if she was somehow complicit. Oh no, you didn’t. Frank acts like Mr. Innocent as if he can’t imagine why a grown woman would mind having her ass smacked in this way. This pisses off James and makes us love him – how he stands up for Mama Day’s honor. A real man in our midst! We love it! The drama and chills are guaranteed to continue. Stay tuned to for all the daily feeds action and check out our twitter @RuiningBB18.

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Victor, Bronte
Roadkill Comp Winner – Victor
RK Nominated – Tiffany
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea
Battle Back challenge – Glenn vs. Jozea

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte

The show initially focuses on Tiffany freaking out after her Roadkill nomination. They show her fight with Frank and the fun ferocious aftermath. Then Paul explains in the Diary Room that he drops his ties with Victor because he feels betrayed when info he told Victor in confidence gets back to him via Paulie. This was something we really didn’t see on the feeds. In fact, most of us just thought Paul was trying to save himself and that was it. The show gave us this info because when it’s time for Paul to pick a player for the veto Victor is surprised that he picks Zakiyah rather than him. It screws with Victor’s game a little. because now he can’t possibly save Paul or ensure his own safety. When Victor asks him about it, Paul plays dumb as if he doesn’t understand that winning Veto would have kept Victor safe. At the same time Paul makes it clear in the DR that he’s not as fooled by condescending Frank as he pretends to be. This is great for us to find out and without Paul’s Diary Room sessions we wouldn’t know it.


Paulie wins Veto… a “fan of spelling”

For the Veto competition there’s a toe theme, “The Tozarks” and a spelling challenge. Each letter houseguests  have to dig out of toe fungus has a point value (all betw 1-3) so the more letters you can fit into a word the more points you get. So, the real goal is to create a nice long word. Paulie says he’s a “fan of spelling” in the Diary Room and it shows. He locks in his big ol’ word in good time. Paul’s word “slouched” is worth nine points. Tiffany’s is “twinkling,” worth ten points. Mama Day’s word is “redemption” but it’s only worth nine points. Zak’s “duration” is worth six points and Bronte spelled “powerful” worth ten points thus tying with Tiffany. But because Bronte rang in first, she’s now in the lead over Tiff. Lastly, we learn that Paulie’s word is “sustainability” also worth ten points but because he locked in his word before Bronte, he wins the Golden Power of Veto. The guy’s all powerful.

At the end of the July 6th TV show we see the Veto ceremony where Paulie takes Paul off the block. It’s clear he does it because he thinks Paul picking Zakiyah over Victor to play Veto with him was a “sign of loyalty”. In fact, it was more than that, we now know. The Veto ceremony gives us the opportunity to hear the speeches we missed watching the feeds. Tiff’s was short and sweet, as was Bronte’s whereas Paul meditated a bit on the “power of friendship”. He then chuckles to himself when Paulie pulls him off the block mumbling about the “power of friendship” as if the speech is why he’s now safe for the week. Meanwhile his buddy, Victor, goes up on the block and seems truly destined to go home tomorrow night on Thursday’s live show.


Corey’s talking? Nicole hears nothing

The July 6th feeds were like a game of Duck, Duck, Goose with mad whispering all around in circles. The topics ranged from one alleged showmance to the next and various alliances as well. The main point made about showmances involved Day and Tiff agreeing that as long as Zak and Nic were semi-coupled with Paulie and Corey, they can’t be 100% trusted. Bridgette and Bronte also talk openly with Natalie about her connection with James a bit. They say they’ll always help Natalie over James if they went up on the block together. It’s a sweet showmance, watching Natalie and James because they do seem to just genuinely like each other. On the other hand, when Nicole says things like, “Sometimes I just don’t even hear what Corey’s saying because he’s so handsome,” we can imagine Nic’s mother watching and shaking her head (we picture her wearing a giant cheese-cube hat) to see Nic making the same damn mistake she made with Hayden. Meanwhile Zak and Paulie have a strong trust developing but it’s not clear if they’ll choose their other alliances over each other or not.


We hope you Battle Back into BB, baby!

One thing that rarely came up in the zillions of July 6th whisperings was Victor’s imminent demise. There was only a tiny two second talk (between James and Day) about whether or not it would be a unanimous vote to evict him. Tiffany isn’t worried anymore about Thursday’s eviction but she IS set to win the HOH competition to follow and we’re rooting for her. Tiff in the power role means the house stands to be in major upset mode with all laser eyes zeroed-in on Frank. He’s a fun houseguest under pressure too because he knows how to win competitions and finagle friendships like a pro. This weekend’s gonna be a blast!

Check out our tweets @RuiningBB18 and come back daily to for our feeds and TV show ruination. We’re happy to find that this year’s Big Brother is as crazy and fun as ever!

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Victor, Bronte
Roadkill Comp Winner – Victor
RK Nominated – Tiffany
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea
Battle Back challenge – Glenn vs. Jozea

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte

July 5th was a whisperfest spectacular in the Big Brother house with Frank the major player both on the tongues of others and chattin’ it up himself. They say loose lips sink ships which may or may not be true but one thing’s for certain, they sure do kick BB houseguest butts right outta that house.


You mean there’s 8 not 9?

It started in the afternoon when Frank told Paulie about the 8Pack alliance, of which he’s (notably) not a member. Corey’s in the room during this chat so then Frank proceeds to tell them this trio is “the core,” though the core of what, exactly is unclear. This talk doesn’t earn Paulie’s trust, it turns out. He’s onto the fact that Frank’s goin’ around the Big Brother house making numerous deals to take various people to the end. At one point after this in HOH Zakiyah and Paulie wait for Frank to leave so they can talk. Once he does, it becomes clear that Paulie’s Mr. Observant while Zak plays the trustworthy non-talker. Paulie sees cracks forming in the 8Pack since Frank and Tiffany openly want each other gone. It can’t be a strong alliance if two members are already at each other’s throats – he points out. This is why Paulie isn’t really upset about the 8Pack and seems to truly trust Zak. She even tells Paulie at one point in this convo that Frank told her not to trust him. Their bond gets better.


Observant Paulie trusts Zak the non-talker

At the same time Corey schemes with Nicole on the hammock about Frank and Tiff. He’s overconfident about being able to win HOHs and Nicole warns him that he doesn’t have as much control in the game as he might think. At the same time she says they can’t throw competitions like Frank wants them to and Corey agrees with that. They both are suspicious of Frank’s close ties with Michelle and Bridgette, especially given how Frank keeps saying Michelle would be a perfect next HOH.


Paul flies his feelings flags at all times

Meanwhile Paul crumbles from “tough guy” character to “Mr. Clean” talking incessantly about how lonely he feels and how he can’t lie and cheat for the sake of the game. He makes the rounds throughout the house repeating this on a loop with each and every houseguest, even Tiffany. It’s an amusing shift, Paul says, how he came into the house raging hardcore with a “F*** you!” for everyone and now he’s emotionally vulnerable and open, like a wound walking around. Hilarious, in fact.

Speaking of Tiff, Da’vonne decided to go ahead and tell her that Frank’s after her – though not this week – and that she’s gotta watch her back. They have a hammock heart-to-heart in which feelings fly and Mama Day makes it clear that Tiffany has to keep her shit together if she wants to stay “in the loop”. At one point Day tells Tiffany, “I just graduated from paranoia school myself,” during their convo. Day’s endearing as well as hysterically funny. So, the two of them bond as well and the BB house continues to whirl with anti-Frank sentiments for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Even when Frank’s around or instigating the conversations, he’s not gaining trust with anyone, 8Pack or otherwise, today.


Mama Day tells Tffany what’s up

Corey, too seems to be losing allies via his loose lips. In a talk with Frank and Nicole he mentions how “we gotta get rid of the girls first because they’re emotional and unpredictable,” ummmmm, you know Nicole’s got lady parts and she’s sittin’ next to you – right Corey? Either way the house is abrewin’ with a suspicious stew. So, although this week seems like an easy breezy eviction with Victor certain to go, next week looks like it’s gonna be the BB house will look more like beatdown town. The 8Pack is settin’ to burst into flames any minute but we bet it merely smolders until the next HOH sits upon their throne. We’re kinda hopin’ the next HOH goes to Tiffany or Paul because, sure, we like sparks but flames are even more fun.


Nicole’s got suspicious eyes… and ears

– Katherine Recap

There are two different experiences, both called “Big Brother”.

One is the television show Big Brother, as the CBS producers present it to broadcast tv audiences, three times per week. But the other is what is actually going on in the Big Brother house; the experience of the house guests, unfiltered — or at least less filtered — by television editors.

Fetchland presents Ruining Big Brother. It’s less “spoiling” Big Brother and more pulling back the curtain, to ruin our collective illusions about reality television. Enjoy! Or better yet, recoil in horror

Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Paulie
HOH Nominated – Victor, Bronte
Roadkill Comp Winner – Victor
RK Nominated – Tiffany
Veto Winner – Paulie
Evicted – #1 Jozea
Battle Back challenge – Glenn vs. Jozea

22nd will be a special Battle Back episode of Big Brother

Have-Nots – Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah

Team Big Sister: Da’vonne, Paul, Zakiyah
Team Category 4: Frank, Michelle, Paulie, Bridgette
Team Freakazoids: Nicole, Corey, Tiffany
Team Unicorn: James, Natalie, Victor, Bronte

July 4th brought lots of patriotic socks, waiting and wrongness to the Big Brother house. First thing in the morning they held the Veto ceremony and Paulie took Paul off the nomination block before putting Victor up in his place. There weren’t as many fireworks in the aftermath of this as we anticipated (or secretly desired) because Victor accepted it quickly. He even broke our hearts a bit saying he originally planned on shaving his face when he got HOH but, “now I guess I can just shave it for Thursday night,” boo freakin hoo… That’s sad stuff, bro. Never give up! Never give in! We wish Victor could hear our cheer because with Natalie’s broken heart there’s no way she’ll cheer him on to a win in this game. This guy needs a pep talk, STAT.


Victor feels surrounded by snakes

Later, Nicole and Victor clean the kitchen together and he confides that he “feels surrounded by snakes,” to which Nicole can only nod with compassionate understanding. He also says that he can only trust her, Bronte, and Paul at this point, which isn’t really right at all either. If anything, Bronte holds her girl alliance sacred and little else. In fact, after the Veto ceremony she has a little Feisty McGee moment, yelling at the cameras,”See ya Victor! Bye bye! Paul, you’re fucking next!” But Bronte’s not right either. She has no idea that lots of the houseguests want her out and it may not have been wise for her to brag about how great she’ll be in competitions during her Veto speech. Why expose your strengths to your competitors? What makes her think that’ll make them want to keep her around?

Although the party wasn’t on feeds, we know the houseguests drank sangria, ate heartily, and repeated their latest mantra “friendship” on an infinite loop. Once the feeds came back we saw James hiding in the telephone booth of the London room to eavesdrop on ladies alliance info. He also goes in and out of the bro-town after party in HOH. This gathering includes Paulie, Corey, and Frank with intermittent and informative James moments sprinkled in for tiny bursts of semi-excitement. James spies on the girls and reports back to the bros. One juicy info bit he gets is that Tiffany told Nicole she’s in “two alliances” and this of course gets the mental wheels circling among the bros.

July 4th is Bridgette’s first baking-free day and involves a fifteen-plus hour braiding session for Da’vonne. Seriously, Mama Day re-braids her hair piece-by-piece for hour after hour all day long, “Girl, the struggle is eternal,” she says to Zak while waiting patiently for the Fourth of July party. It’s a patience game day for the Have-Nots in every way because they gotta wait for the party in order to avoid eating another plate of slop. But the real story of July 4th Big Brother is that everyone’s off in their own world in a way and subsequently coming to the wrong conclusions… maybe it was all that Independence Day sangria going to their heads.


Frank demands the next HOH

During the non-James HOH talks Frank seems to be running the show. He insists that all the other 8Pack members have to throw the next HOH competition so their team members can’t win and Frank can be HOH next. Also, he talks about how Tiffany’s unpopular among the houseguests because she’s “taking pages out of her sister’s playbook too much” and “nobody likes Bronte anyway”.

As Frank talks Paulie interjects with nodding and keeps saying, “We gotta nip that in the bud,” but it sounds a lot like, “… nip that in the butt,” instead. Even if he’s actually saying that cliché right, Paulie’s got the rest of his July 4th strategizing quite wrong. He makes a classic Big Brother error and lists off other houseguests saying he can’t imagine any of them will be able to win HOH. This is typical HOHitis where the POWER role goes to the head of the “temporary king” and they thus underestimate the abilities of their competition. Paulie “can’t imagine Paul or Bronte winning HOH,” but we sure can. In fact, we predict it’ll happen soon.


HOHitis hits hottie Paulie

The resonant and eternal theme of Big Brother is “expect the unexpected” and the show runners are highly cognizant of the fact that different players in the cage match have different abilities. They vary the competitions for this very reason. But as wrong as he is about future HOHs, Paulie makes us laugh a lot tonight. At one point he says he thinks British accents are called “victorian” because of Victoria Beckham. Then later when talking to Zakiyah, Paulie asks if she has any Asian, German or Italian in her… with the followup question, “Do you WANT some in you?” Hahahahaha. That’s entertainment, folks.

There was also loads of intriguing groupchat in the bathroom that shifted from girl talk to “relationship talk” when Paul and Paulie joined in with the ladies. The funniest moment is captured in this picture. The ladies were all talking about stuff guys do that’s TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE and Natalie mentions, “when a guy likes another girl’s picture on Instagram” and everybody laughs out loud. This was just before Mama Day finally finished her day of infinite braiding.


Jokin’ bout relationships

Tune in tomorrow for more BB feed updates as well as checking out our tweets @RuiningBB18. We live and love to ruin Big Brother for you one day at a time.

– Katherine Recap